Anxiety in the morning

These 6 simple steps are designed to dramatically change the life of anyone who suffers from the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks.
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Post by Katie_Lee18 » Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:06 pm

it seems like when I wake up I get really anxious, even before I'm thinking negatively, I wake up shaking. Why is this? and how can I prevent it?

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Post by kellyz » Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:36 pm

Hi Katie,

I have been going through the same thing for weeks now. As soon as my eyes pop open my body starts getting hot, my heart pounds, I get shaky and nauseous and usually end up in the bathroom with diarrhea shortly after. Lately my panic attacks in the morning have been lasting a few hours. I'm not much help as to tell you why this is happening. The only thing I can think of is that it's anticipatory anxiety. Thinking about getting through the day before it even starts. I think I do it subconsciously before I even wake up. It's almost like my body is in the habit already of feeling this way. I dread mornings for this very reason and I'm still trying to figure out how to break the cycle. I can however tell you this always happens to me during times of intense anxiety and this is my 4th time going through this. Good news is that it does eventually go away. For me it just has to run it's course. I've gotten advice to do deep belly breathing, relaxation tapes before bed or even distraction (reading, tv, going outside) right after getting up. You can always try one of those and see if it works for you. My body is quite stubborn with this anxiety and all I can do most days is lay in terror frozen until it passes, but my anxiety is extreme at the moment. You can try writing down any negative thoughts you have before going to bed, and under the negative thoughts write positive ones. This can help your mind concentrate on the good instead of the bad right before bed. I hope some of this helps or at least gives you comfort that you're not alone.


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Post by THH » Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:15 pm

Hi Katie,
I have had this happen to me as well. I have had good luck doing relaxing excersises with my breathing. Also I wake up, and start to think of all the things I am grateful for. I also use self talk to tell myself that I am ok, that this is anxiety and I realise it, or float with it. It has helped me, I have not had those feeling for sometime now. It don't always just go away you have to do it every morning get in a routine and I can tell you "it will go away".
Hope this helps... :)

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Post by Katie_Lee18 » Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:40 pm

Thank you :)

Newly retired
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Post by Newly retired » Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:55 am

Well, at least it's nice to know you're not alone. I feel just like you and it seems that the breathing exercises and meditation that used to work for me when I knew what the anxiety stimulus was don't work on these unknown sources. I used to love mornings, and now I dread them. I just try to keep telling myself that it will pass eventually.

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Re: Anxiety in the morning

Post by bklynbee » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:09 am

I go through the same thing as well...mornings are the worst for me. I usually feel better towards the evening.

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Re: Anxiety in the morning

Post by Fed_up123 » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:07 am

I usually feel better in the evening as well ... I can't stand the mornings I wake up and feel like I need to vomit or run to the bathroom and not to mention lack of appetite. Does anyone take the GoodDay vitamins ??

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Re: Anxiety in the morning

Post by sunnyw/chanceofstorm » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:07 pm

Yes! I do take the vitamins & I love them! Almost done with my first months supply and my husband (real penny-pincher) has asked me to keep an eye out for the next shipment. He loves what he has seen them do. I have been getting more and more sleep. Started at 3 hours/night, gradually moved to 5 and now 7. My moods have leveled out. I'm coping better. I've never really experienced morning anxiety, but I'm recommending this program to a friend that does. She describes the same feelings you all have. She also has panic attacks and doesn't trust traditional doctors or meds, so she spends lots of money she doesn't have on naturopathic "solutions". She says that she feels better and better as the day goes on.
I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and have noticed that during depression, I do feel better at night when the sun goes down, but I think that's because It's easier to hide then and be unseen. You're also less likely to have someone knocking on your door then.
I am progressing at half the speed that the program recommends, but I am progressing! Cutting the sugar is my biggest hangup. I love sweet coffee and sweet tea! Think I'm ok with decaf, but sugar is my weakness. I've tried artificial sweeteners and stevia, but that's NOT the same. I'm going to try using more and more stevia with the sugar. Did pretty good with that in the past.
For some reason, I am not able to view the CHIN UP coaching sessions for weeks 2-4. Anyone having trouble with that?
Thanks for all the suggestions. I will pass them along to my friend.

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Re: Anxiety in the morning

Post by tommy_riley » Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:58 pm

My anxiety in the morning happens because I immediatally feel like I just want to go back to bed (SOOOO tired every morning) and that most likely I will be late for work. If I could figure out how to not be tired in the morning (feel refreshed instead) and wake up a little earlier then my morning anxiety would probably be gone or at least I would be setup for a postitive day since I would be arriving to work on time.

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Re: Anxiety in the morning

Post by Racer23 » Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:50 pm

I also take the goodday pills, and though I have only been on them a few weeks I think i am starting to notice the changes in my mood. right away I noticed a change in my energy.
Sometimes I get the morning anxiety but I have noticed that it is usually related to anticipatory anxiety, something for things that are a bit in the furture, not necessarily right then.


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