For followers of "less popular" spiritual path's

The spiritual response to anxiety and depression
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Post by Conner » Sun Mar 09, 2008 8:22 am

"When you fear that you cannot, let that fear motivate you to prove that you can!"

When you want Truth as much as you want that first breath of air while drowning - that is when you will find it.

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Post by Jitters » Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:43 pm

I just wanted to say this is a very interesting and thought provoking thread. I have enjoyed reading it and will check back.
I'll check out some of the books too.

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Joined: Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:19 am

Post by BeatAnxiety07 » Sun Mar 09, 2008 4:59 pm

Originally posted by Conner:
"When you fear that you cannot, let that fear motivate you to prove that you can!"

Thanks Conner! That was very helpful to me when I was recovering.

"When you fear that you cannot, let that fear motivate you to prove that you can!"

Posts: 58
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Post by BeatAnxiety07 » Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:29 pm


I'm glad you have found this thread interesting. The goal of this thread is for members of less known or non religious paths to come together and discuss their ideas/beliefs. I just wanted to show new members that not everyone on here is Christian and that it is not the only spiritual path you need to take on your quest for using spirituality as a way to help your anxiety. For me: Science and "Eastern Thought" helps me fill that "void" that most people feel when they don't have religion in their lives. For many others it seems: Buddhism and other Eastern paths are very helpful. We also have met a member who follows a native american spiritual path. So the idea of this thread was not only to help us with anxiety but to help us spread around some religious diversity, in a forum that is predominately Christian and almost entirely Theist.

I hope to hear more from you soon..


Thank You for speaking for the entire forum and the entire reality television demographic. You are very wise, thank you for enlightening me.

But would you care to elaborate some more on the opinion of all of these people? Well rather than that, why not just elaborate on the opinion of everyone on this forum-- you know the opinion that this thread is ridiculous? Since you've chosen to be their spokesperson, please elaborate.

"When you fear that you cannot, let that fear motivate you to prove that you can!"

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Post by Believer08 » Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:11 pm

"When you fear that you cannot, let that fear motivate you to prove that you can!"
Brian Tracy a book salesman quotes that in daily Sure its a great quote and he states he receives his from people of all eras of life....Christian, Politicians, VIPS from Industries....etc.

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Post by Malikye » Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:45 am

well, boodybear is happy with this thread. as i am. i would like to hear more personal experiences and less book quoting though. i do believe in god. do not believe the redicilous story about jesus. we really don't need to read all those books if we have a belief as simple as mine :).........................malikye

we must have a mind of our own ;)

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Post by Firebug » Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:50 am

I have dedicated my life to my God, and part of my "christian" faith is that we all have the choice to belive in what ever we want to. I also belive in the right for everybody to share and discuss thier belefs weather I agree with them or not. I vote for more shareing and discussing and less debateing. I dont think anyone of us should be attacking another on the basis of religeon, or on the basis of anything else for that matter. I'm here to try to "give" and "take" support regardless of the religeose belifes (lack there of) of the other people in this group. I belive much wisdom can be found in other religeons and I also think that understanding somebodys belifes (if thier devoted to them) is essential when trying to understand that person themself.

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Post by Malikye » Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:13 pm

sometimes i write letter's to God. it is amazing how the answer's come to me after i write. sometimes i just talk. the solution's will pop right into my head. also, i will take the answer and go with it. it is kinda like "The Secret". the secret was never a secret to me. if you can imagine it, you can do it. like Matthew7:7. seek,knock,and ask. and you will get it. very easy,not complicated at all...................................malikye

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Post by Reen38 » Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:35 am

I would like to post to this topic...however I think I shall just keep quiet. Its too bad that people like me dont feel comfortable sharing their views...which happen to be for me nature a thread without fear of being ridiculed. I never understood why people cant just leave those of us who are not christian alone. For someone to say this is a ridiculous thread just solidifies my fears about posting.
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought" ~ Buddha

Posts: 58
Joined: Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:19 am

Post by BeatAnxiety07 » Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:39 am

Originally posted by Reen38:
I would like to post to this topic...however I think I shall just keep quiet. Its too bad that people like me dont feel comfortable sharing their views...which happen to be for me nature a thread without fear of being ridiculed. I never understood why people cant just leave those of us who are not christian alone. For someone to say this is a ridiculous thread just solidifies my fears about posting.
Feel free to post. The majority of people are very respectable and interested. Don't let a few ************ sway you away from posting your ideas. Your ideas and beliefs are just as important and admirable as anyone elses.

"When you fear that you cannot, let that fear motivate you to prove that you can!"

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