Is this a panic attack???

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Is this a panic attack???

Post by HeathAnn » Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:14 pm

So... I know I have anxiety but I thought I'd never had an actual full blown panic attack. Until today. And I'm still not sure. Earlier today something affected me, got my anxiety all fired up and I seemed to be very aware of my symptoms - I was shaking (not violently but enough that I tried to write in my journal and couldn't without quite a bit of difficulty), my breath was short and rapid, and I felt incredibly sick to my stomach.............

Is this a panic attack?? I mean, I was totally coherent and aware of myself and the situation I was in -- I didn't feel completley out of control, I just felt very physically affected. I was very AWARE of my body symptoms.

I'm just curious what you all think. A week ago I would've probably said I've never had a panic attack but now I'm not so sure...

Thanks a million.

God bless.

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Re: Is this a panic attack???

Post by Dixiesmom » Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:29 pm

I think a lot of us question whether or not we have or have had panic attacks. I know I did. I never really thought that I had what I considered panic attacks. But, I guess they can come differently for everybody. I consider my episodes as just anxious episodes, not really full blown panic attacks. Session one tells you to look ahead in session two for the breathing technique that you are to use when you start feeling anxious. If what you were thinking about while trying to write caused you to feel this way, then using the breathing technique and relaxation tape may help. However, if it continues, you may want to let your doctor know just to be on the safe side. Good luck!

I care
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Joined: Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:21 pm

Re: Is this a panic attack???

Post by I care » Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:44 pm

I believe it is. Good news is, to the best of my knowledge, no one has ever died from a panic attack and you will be able to overcome this problem.

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