Symptom of Panic or Sinus and Allergy Problems?

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Symptom of Panic or Sinus and Allergy Problems?

Post by LMH2011 » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:02 am

Hello everyone! I have a question about a symptom that I have. Every day, I wake up feeling normal. Then, within an hour of waking up, I start to feel pressure in my head, usually surrounding my sinus area in the face and my forehead and in my ears. This starts my anxiety cycle for the day. I start to worry that something is wrong and that I'm going to pass out from the constant "wooziness". It's no secret that I have bad allergy and sinus problems, but I take Flonase and Zyrtec for my allergies. This symptom bothers me so much that I panic over it. When I get more anxious and start to panic, it gets sooooooo much worse! I feel like my head will explode! I'm confused though....I had a head cold this week and took decongestants, so the wooziness went away. I took a decongestant this morning and the wooziness stayed. But this feeling also goes away when I take a xanax! I am so this a symptoms of sinus and allergies or anxiety?? I don't want to take unnecessary drugs and if it's anxiety, I want to learn how to work through it!! Please help!!

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Re: Symptom of Panic or Sinus and Allergy Problems?

Post by Paisleegreen » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:28 pm

OH, I think I might be having the same problem!

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Re: Symptom of Panic or Sinus and Allergy Problems?

Post by LMH2011 » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:59 pm

The same problem as're not sure which if it's sinus/allergy or anxiety? Or you have the same problem but know that it's anxiety related?

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Re: Symptom of Panic or Sinus and Allergy Problems?

Post by cgiamme » Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:10 pm

I have the same problem with my allergies as soon as I wake up I feel like my head will explode with pressure and a combination of my "crazy thoughts." I was informed in the past that certain allergy medications cause emotional disturbances. My son and I took singulair and nasonex for almost a year and we both had severe anxiety episodes as well as mood swings. A co-worker on a random conversation mentioned how a family member suffered emotional issues with singulair and that it was one of the side-effects of the medication. I inmediately stopped and the mood swings and anxiety slowed down; specially my son's. I still suffer from anxiety which is why i just bought the program but I know that allergy medication can make our symptoms worst. I still take zyrtek because my allergies are pretty bad; but, now that I am pregnant I cant take any decongestant so I simply take regular tylenol and the pain and pressure go away. I think that im going to stick to taking tylenol when the symptoms are really bad and try to stay away from allergy meds.

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Re: Symptom of Panic or Sinus and Allergy Problems?

Post by Ammy » Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:49 am

Some of related to Headache, dizziness, nausea, and pain.

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Re: Symptom of Panic or Sinus and Allergy Problems?

Post by Plastic_Starlight » Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:42 pm

I sort of have the same problem. I get really bad allergies and sinus attacks from time to time. I always have. But I've found that when I'm extra stressed or have been feeling anxious for a while that I become more sensative to allergins. Like a few years ago now I moved to a new city by myself, it wasn't a very good situation and my depression and anxiety got REALLY bad. Around that same time I started to get awful hayfever and suddenly became allergic to tree nuts and couldn't eat any kind of meat without getting horrible stomach pains.
I later when to see a homeopathic doctor and He told me that since anxiety usually affects the stomach and throws it out of whack, you end up messing up your whole system and become overly sensative to things like food (heartburn, stomach pains, IBM etc) and especially allergies.
Once I started to get my anxiety/depression under control, things started to clear up. ( I can even eat nuts again without my throat closing up) it's getting better now, I get the seasonal allergies which is normal, but once I start getting really stressed out.WHAM sinus congestion so bad your teeth hurt,violent sneezing, itchy eyeballs!

it took me over a year to get back to a mostly normal state, but it did get back to normal. Keep on the program, that'll help, maybe if you start feeling anxious about the congestion try taking the meds but also do the relaxation tape or something maybe that'll help.

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