After a Long Day- I wish you all Well !!

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Peter Q
Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:19 am

After a Long Day- I wish you all Well !!

Post by Peter Q » Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:20 am

To All my Team Mates - of My Peer Support Group

(Stress Center - Students of the "Attacking Anxiety & Depression Program" )
Peter Q. here,
Just wanted to wish you all a pleasant evening, and to rest calmly, and well. To dream of only good thoughts. To Dream of great dreams of hope, prosperity, health, strenghth, friendship, family, community, and Love. You are all students of the "Stress Center for: Attcking Anxiety & Depression Program," as I am pleased, and honered to join you in this journey, quest, of self-discovery, and to be empowered, to attain the freedom, of which we all are working towards, and will earn. You are all good people, men, and woman, of various backgrounds, and we are all connected by the desire, hope, and the grace of God, to have the hppiness that Lucinda Bassett, and many others have, that have gone through this program. We all can, and will work through that land of darkness, to only walk to have sun shinning in our face, and a light breeze to assist us from behind.

Never allow any one say you are not worthy, or good enough, in any way. All of you you are worthy, and good enough to be happy, and to go after your dreams, as I am too.

I am going to bed now, and just wanted to wish you all well, and pass on positive thoughts to you all, as we travel on this journey, and this exciting quest. Every journey worth traveling is worth the hardship.

Remember, we have each other, the "Peer Support Group," and StressCenter, we are a team, a family, those that care for each other to succeed. My heartfelt wishes are with you all.
Choose to reach out, and grab onto our hand, your team mate, brother, sister, neighbor, stranger, now a friend, and StressCenter.

I am in the first session of the program, it is not easy for me, and I konw I am safe with the students of this Journey of "Self-discovery," and the staff of StressCenter.

Sleep well, sleep sound, and only dream of good dreams, you are safe, and you will wake, with the ability to press on. One step at a time. WE sometimes must learn to walk first before we run.

Thank you all for being here, for you all give life a powerful force, meaning of love, and support. I wish you a safe journey, and to remember you can succeed, because many of others have as well. Why not you, and me!!!!

Take care, sleep well, and awake with a new heart filled with joy, and confidence to contine, one step at a time. WE are blessed to follow in Lucinda's footsteps, as well as the many that have come before us.

Best wishes, & Love,
Your Team Mate, & fellow "Peer Support Group - Member

Peter Q.,
Denver, CO

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