New and hopeful

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:42 am

Post by Sol » Tue Dec 25, 2007 4:17 am

Hi, I am very new (mid Dec).

I have general anxiety that comes and goes every day and disrupts my eating and sleeping but only when it rears it's head.

I had my first anxiety/panic attack about 6 years ago and was put on medication right away. I have stopped taking the medication about a year ago as I was only taking half a pill and thought I would trying going without. I haven't had another since.

I used to be wickedly independant and now I HATE being alone. I live away from family (different province) and recently broke up with my live-in boyfriend and now I'm alone.

I am trying to do this alone, no support and no family and not too many friends, none of them close or know what's going on. My family doesn't even know about my anxiety... way too embarassed to tell them.

I am trying to believe that I am my only "safe person" as I miss my family, want my own family, want a husband, want to be busy however I know deep down these aren't the answers and won't make the anxiety go away. I used to be alone all the time and now I can't stand staying home.


Post by Guest » Tue Dec 25, 2007 4:28 am

Hi Sol,

I think you will find some great techniques in this program for dealing with your thoughts! Dive right into the program and start using the techniques right away. You will see improvement.

Everyone on this board (including me) is having some problem similar to yours. Know you are not alone in this.



Post by Guest » Tue Dec 25, 2007 4:29 am


Congratulations to you on your joining the program. So glad to have you here.

I agree with you you are your 'safe person' but dont let that be misinterpreted to not having freinds. We are humans and we thrive on human contact so we need people in our lives to stimulate us.

I hate to be alone as was a huge thing for me years husband would take me to my moms house before he went to work I was so afraid to be alone. But the program helped me to gain some confidence in myself and here I am with two children and Im doing it.
I wont say that everyday is easy...I still struggle. But its so much better having the skills of the program.

Sounds like you need to go out and make new freinds....join a new group.....nothing has to be fancy about it...go to your church and see whats going on or the park district and join a at your neighbors, wave to people as they drive by be a NICE person and NICE will come back to you.

Talk to that little old lady walking alone to the store from her car....say hi to her and hold the door for never know where your next real freind will come from and you will feel good about you just being a genuinely nice person which Im sure you already are.

You can have a family and a husband and freinds and if you actively seek out these people in your life they will come to you....

Do your program come to chat and forum often....they will help you to get through the rough spots. You have the power to make your life whatever you choose it to be!!!!!!

Believe in can do it.
Your new freind. Dodger


Post by Guest » Tue Dec 25, 2007 7:16 am

Welcome to the Program Sol!!! :D
Yes its tough if you have no support, but you can still do it on your own! Please dont be embarressed about telling your family, if you need or want to. Over a million people a year are diagnosed with anxiety, and there is so much out there is so much information available now, its nothing to be ashamed of.
Maybe join a gym so you can meet some new friends, or a church group. You dont have to have lots of friends, but just one or two that you can enjoy doing things with helps.
Become involved in something, even volunteer work, that helps keep your mind busy! We are very glad to have you here, and there are many people here who are so knowledgeable , and willing to help if they can... Nelly


Post by Guest » Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:48 am

Hi, I am extremely new. I read the pamphlet and am thinking of calling the 800 umber to find out where to start. My anxiety was just recently diagnosed (after all these years of drinking). It looks like I am not all alone with some of these things and feelings/thoughts. I am hopeful that this program will help (my husband bought it for me for Christmas) I hope he doesn't give up on me. Wish me luck!


Post by Guest » Thu Dec 27, 2007 7:28 am

I am getting frustrated because I am new to the program, but it seems like avaeryone on the online chat already knows each other and I just want to talk to someone, but I don't want to spill my guts to 15 people in a chat room.



Post by Guest » Thu Dec 27, 2007 7:38 am

This is also my first time, I havn't even started the program yet, I'm still reading the material. So don't feel alone, as we get going we will meet people. Good pep talk huh? he, he

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