New guy says "hello"

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jan 30, 2008 3:54 pm

Post by Cory242 » Wed Jan 30, 2008 9:07 am

Hi everyone.
I signed up for the online version of the program last week. I fight depression and anxiety and recently began to have what feel like low grade panic attacks. I just changed careers and have been living away from my family.

I find that my biggest personality problem is confrontation. I'm terrified of it and when faced with it I have to make a concious effort to stand up for myself. Often I simply freeze and feel as though I've reverted to a 7 year old kid in the Principal's Office. Then I'll obsess over the situation for days thinking about how I should have handled it or what I should have said. I'll also react in a passive/aggressive manner.

I'm taking Lexapro which has helped the general anxiety a bit but I sure could use some advice as to how to get over my fear of confrontation.


Post by Guest » Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:15 am

Hey cory, i am so glad that you signed up for this program.... I am only 18 years old and am taking it and even just the 1st 2 lessons are amazing. but as to your confrontation anxiety, i have that too and i obsess in my mind all day and all night as to "why didn't i say that" or "what if i did that" but we just have to remember it WILL pass and we will move on.. easier said that done of course haha but we can get through this

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