Sleep - Good days PM?

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Post by emmakatecat » Mon Dec 31, 2007 3:24 am

I have had thyroid issues since May 2007. I have also dealt on and off with anxiety. I did part of the program a couple of years ago and felt pretty good. I figured this is in my head I can beat it! I haven't been on any lexapro for almost a year. In August I suffered a bout with insomnia - thyroid related. Since December 23rd I have needed to take a benedryl nightly to fall asleep. I am sure this is in my head. Does anyone else suffer from this and if so have they tried the Good Days PM? I don't want to be addicted to anything and want to kick this on my own. Occasionally, I get jump started with a counselor to put me back on the right path and hit the anxiety in the head. I don't have depression, I am just a worrier (notice I said just - LOL)
Any ideas would be great. I love the support on this site. We're all going to have a great 2008! :?


Post by Guest » Mon Dec 31, 2007 3:43 am

I am a huge worrier, too. I have been off lexapro for over a year and a half myself. I do not have a thyroid issue, but I do have an adrenal/hormone issue and I have a hard time sleeping at night and getting up in the morning. I have not tried the Good Days PM, but, I read that if you positively tell your self before you go to sleep, that you are comfortable and will have a good night's sleep, it does help. I repeat it a few times over. I know it's all in my head, but it is hard to change how you think. I sometimes think I need to take something to help me sleep, but then I out it in my mind, I "need it" to sleep.


Post by Guest » Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:44 am

I have had major sleep issues since Oct., I get very little sleep without a sleep aid. At first I took Tylenol PM. It worked for a while but made me drowsy all day. The doctor perscribed .50 mg. of xananx, just at night to help me sleep. I have real issues with it, although it helps me sleep and with the anxiety. I worry about getting addicted. I tried not taking it last night and slept very little and now I feel very tired and anxiuos Iam going to have to take it tonght, I need sleep. If you find and other ways of getting sleep please let me know.


Post by Guest » Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:47 am

also want to add that I've tried the self talk for sleep, doesn't seem to work for me. I just can't seem to shut my mind off.


Post by Guest » Mon Dec 31, 2007 10:09 am

Hi Everyone,
I've had lots of trouble sleeping. I feel like I'm ready to sleep but have trouble getting my mind to stop racing. I may or may not even feel anxious. When I have had difficulty it helps to use the self-talk to help get through the next day so that I don't completely lose my mind. I have had to really work on using the self-talk before going to bed. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Do they make a Good Days PM? I haven't seen that.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:41 am

Yes - Good days PM may be new. My husband heard it on the radio and then recommended it to me. I bought it yesterday and was really anxious to try it last night but thought I was tired enough to sleep. But of course I kept myself up all night saying you've got to go to sleep. By 4:00 I took a tylenol PM and fell asleep quickly. I think I've got my body thinking I need to take something to go to sleep. Today I feel kind of sick to my stomach because I am over tired - I got about 3 1/2 hours because I made myself get up so I can be ready for work tomorrow (I teach first grade). So my husband says tonight the Good Days PM. I got it at GNC for those of you interested. Yes, like someone else said - addiction is my worry. I think maybe a trip back to the counselor is in my future. I will let you know. :)Thanks for replying - I don't feel all alone that way :)


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:55 am

What is the active ingred. in Gooddays? I've tried too many things and i "wear-out" the effectiveness. Ambien works but I really need AmbienCR - because I wake after 4 hours, but insurance doesn't cover "CR". Both affect my stomach - therefore I have to take with food @ 2am (acid stomach an issue-use Zantac). If you aren't anxious but your brain is racing try Valarian. It is a plant product and quiets the brain. Many over the counter sleep products are "Benedryl" (can't remember the chem. name) so I get a real dry mouth & thirsty with these.

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