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You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Post by gfreed » Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:00 pm

Yeah there were times I got so messed up they had too pull my off the roof in the ER. It took powerful drugs to calm me down. To the doctors it looked like I needed to be in a rubber room. It was frustrating because when I ended up in the ER they docs had no idea what they could do for me. What was nuts is that many of the antidepressant drugs they were giving me were making me sicker. One drug a Bata Blocker slowed my hart down to 24 bpm! That is one beat every two seconds, thats slow. Do people sometimes think you are one of the walking dead because of your color? I would go gray and white at times! People would move away from me when they saw me coming. So glad its over now!

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Post by Brooke.T » Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:13 pm

Yeah sometimes I get realy cold and I turn totally white. I had to go to the er one time and my bloodpressusre whs unnormally high. Like I was dead or something. They didnt know why. They couldnt do anything for me but wait for it to raise to normal. It was scarey.

B Shah
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Post by B Shah » Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:39 am

My son has phaeocromocytoma and it took over a year for it to be diagnosed. Initially, his hypertension was treated as a renal issue and lots of tests and medicine was given to alleviate the issues. When they could not find any answers, they simply said it was "Essential Hypertension" and left it at that !

Fortunately, we have a consultant friend who persevered and searched for the cause of the hypertension. An MIBG test was the clinching point, when we managed to find the cause of my son's hypertension.

I am just aghast that none of the other doctors saw the signs my friend saw from day one and they searched in several directions when the signs where easy to read.

We are now doing more tests - including the 24 hour pee tests - to confirm things and hope at the end of this, they will be able to operate and cure him quickly.

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Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:29 pm

Post by gfreed » Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:44 am

I'm glad they are on the track of this thing. A Phaeo left too long can and will damage your body. I had extremely high blood pressures that in the end has left me with limited movement on my right side. "Essential Hypertension" I have to laugh! Basically they are telling you what they were telling me! "Its all in your head!" What blows my mind is how can supper high blood pressures be in your head? When people's blood pressure is over 240 there is something wrong! You think? One of the first things I would check with any person having supper high blood pressures would be adrenalin levels. If I would have stayed with my health care provider I would be dead now and it would have been an extremely painful death. One problem with Phaeos is that the tumor isn't always easy to see or find. My tumor was LARGE, golf ball size. I have my surgery on DVD and its interesting watching trying to pull the bagged up tumor out of my body. Lots of pulling and tugging to get it out. If it is a Phaeo your son needs to not do anything and stay still. I also took stool softeners so that I wouldn't strain on the pot. Going to the bathroom often set me off. So be careful and get that thing out of him and he will be OK. My Surgeon was Dr Roger Tatum in Seattle. He's the best at Laparoscopic surgery, he not only does it but teaches it too! Let me know what they find in the end!

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