NEW, Nervous, excited, anxious, & Believe this Works!

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Peter Q
Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:19 am

NEW, Nervous, excited, anxious, & Believe this Works!

Post by Peter Q » Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:10 pm

Hello My name is Peter,
I first started this program, and first logged into this site, on/Joined Wed., June 03, 2009! So with almost two years latter, I am back, and excited to do the work. With that said this has not been all roses, and Disney Land, or the idea of enjoying my favorite food. For example, take your favorite food, imagine the ingredients, the flavors, the presentation, texture, taste, and the joy from the over all experince of the flavor of that food as by itself, and/ or accompanied with an ensemble of fantasic ingridients, yummmm! In short, it has not been that experience, and sometimes close, and just not there as of yet.

So, today I am excited to contribute, by introducing myself, and saying hello. Today, one of my big, grandeous goals is to get my taxes out, to my Accountant. Sounds easy enough, if you are not O.C.D., that does not stand for Orange County, District of Cali. Obsessive Compulsive - Disorder. I prefer to think of it as, not a "Disorder," but a brief period of the desire to want to have everyting perfect, and in control. Oh, I must be speaking of that river in the Middle East, the "Nile." At this time I choose a little, wee bit of humour, or to be sardonic, preferably in a non abrassive manor. The issues with getting my taxes, in it self would take up too much of your time at this moment. Oooops. Probably already have. Never the less, I have chose to be plagued with anxiety, hence, paralysis of well thought, phusical movement, procrastination, and to avert my energy on everthing else, but the task I need to focus on; that is the taxes.

With all that said, I am commited to getting my taxis done, and to my accountant. The positve, or upside of recent events I have been telling people about StressCenter for Anxiety & Depression Program. Also focusing on being "positive," even when others are choosing to be, well negative. The best defense to someone trying to get under your skin, don't allow them; be positve, thank them, complement them on their greatness, etc... Where can one go when they are already down, and trying to pull others' down with them, is only up. It is a good feeling when the toxic chemical waste is decomposed, and is of no further harm to the environment.

At the knowledge of this scary, and exciting, journey to this process of moving forward in my life in a positve, healthy, and prosperous, mind set, I am ready. That is to take this course serously, and to goal to have some fun!!! Work does not always have to be painful, and to be focused, I can choose to enjoy the pocess.

*I better get to work!!! Off to get my taxes done. Oh, the joys of avoidence.
*Also, to sign the "My 30-Dy Promise to Myself..." via StressCenter.... It even has a place to ('print your name'), and ('signature'), at the bottom of the page. Ohhh, maybe I should delay, procrastinate?
No, I am going to print my full name, and sign the document; after reading it of course. This is good!!!!

See, you all are fantastic, I am excited to do this!!!! Did Lucinda Bassett, say something about breathe, ahh, 2 - 4 count, one, one thousand, etc... it is a good idea!!!!
I wish everybody the very best, and it is great to know I am not alone; we are not alone. Strength comes in numbers, support is a good thing.

Take care, and have a healthy, positive, and fantastic day!
Best Wishes, & Thank you, all of you!!!

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