Fear of Choking

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Post by DukeR » Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:46 am

I am new to this forum and wanted to see does anyone have a fear of choking? I do not know where mine came from, it is so weird because I have not had a choking episode. I have been getting panic attacks and fear around eating for about 3 years. Does anyone experience this??


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:05 am

Hi Duke,
I was reading your post and that is exactly what happened to me a few years back, at the time however I didn't know I had anxiety so it felt just as if my throat was going to close over and i would die. Now I know when I get anxious I get teh feeling if my throat is closing over. Anyway, I became paranoid everytime I ate that food would get stuck in my throat and I would die. I had a panic attack one day over eat rice cakes, I thought that after I had swallowed there was still rice cake in my throat and it would expand and I would suffocate. The panic attack lasted so long, but I never even thought at the time, if something had been blocking my throat from air, I would have passed out within minutes of lack of oxygen. I became so paranoid of every kind of food and texture of food. I owuld only eat soft or liquified foods for the longest time. I got so paranoid about eating alone, that I would choke and noone would be able to save me. I still get this from time to time but it has gotten much better. Please know you are not alone. Sorry for the rambling, hope this helps.



Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:22 am

This is very helpful. How did you get over it? It is so weird but I still do the soft food thing occasionally. Like today, I went to see with some work attorneys and got this weird feeling of anxiety so I ordered the hummus because I knew I could not choke on it. ( I do like it as well and it was one of the only healthy things on the menu) but other than that is crazy talk!!! Like you said, if you were choking, you would pass out. It is so frustrating because this probably my main battle with panic is the fear of choking. If I could get over that, I think I would be a different person. Any advice?


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:31 am

What you are both experiencing is a side affect of panic attack disorder. I have learned that you literally can not choke and die if you are not drunk or on street drugs. Your body knows exactly what to do and will recover for you everytime. You must experience this for yourself. Reading about it isn't enough, so practice eating solid food daily - no matter how scared you are - the more you do that, the less you will fear and you will soon begin to trust that all is well.

This is a common fear among phobics. It does pass.

I went through what you are describing for over a year. I, too, lived on liquids and soft foods. (Amazing how we can survive, isn't it. We are tough, indeed.) I didn't have the information that you have through StressCenter - it didn't exist then. Keep working with the program and don't hesitate to learn from other sources as well. As always I recommend a very powerful book that goes well with this program. The Freedom from Fear by Dr. Howard Liebgold.

Thank you for this post. It's a good one. My best to you both.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:49 am

Thank you so much for this information, it is nice to know that I am not the only one out there. I do eat solid foods but it is weird too because at nighttime, I sometimes get afraid that I am going to choke in my sleep and die when in reality, I ate 3 hours prior to this and am digesting my food.
I did have a panic attack at lunch today and really wanted to take my medication for this but I didnt and got thru it which is good but I just wish that I would believe in myself that I am not going to choke.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:31 am

The mind loves to fool us. With repeated exposure to the fear of choking you will soon learn to trust and be comfortable. I eat a late dinner and I have no problems at all. Have been doing this for years. Keep exposing yourself like you are (on purpose) and you will recover. Fear of choking will just be a memory.

In fact, if you want to recover sooner than later, eat two hours before bed. Then eat one hour before bed. Experience will teach you to be unafraid and become neutral.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:42 am

that is a good idea, I should try it. It is during lunchtime as well when I am at work, dont know why.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:13 am

Don't worry about the why's of any of this. Simply put: It's just the nature of ocd and PA. It's not wrong to have the soft food but to heal allow yourself to have the solid food and feel the discomfort that comes with that decision. It will pass and the more you allow yourself to do this the faster you will heal. Your real fear is the fear of anxiety and you need to move through that repeatedly until you realize that it won't hurt you.

Sounds like you are doing a great job. Congratulations.

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Joined: Sat May 26, 2007 8:19 pm

Post by deedee00 » Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:59 am

I had been getting panic attacks when I would eat, not because I had a fear of choking, but I had a fear of the attack and I worried that I would feel wierd. It has gotten a lot better, I take in slow breaths and think positive thoughs and it has done wonders for me. I worry less now about "upcoming" eating situtations. Tell yourself evrything will be okay and it will pass.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:44 am

I always feel like I am choking even when I don't eat. My throat starts to feel tight and I feel like I can't swallow. I have a fear of taking medications especially advil. The thing is I have taken it all my life

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