Newbie Here

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:52 pm

Post by LizMomof4 » Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:21 pm

Hi everyone. I just wanted to get to know everyone. My name is Liz. I have been dealing with anxiety & depression for as long as I can remeber. I am feeling very hopeful about this program. I've tried meds in the past and they just left me feeling numb and sick. I watched the jumpstart DVD and listened to session 1 and watched the session 1 part of the DVD. I did the workbook part of session 1 but I don't know for sure if I did it right. They said it should take 1 1/2 hours and I didn't take that long. I became a little teary at several points. This is a little scary and exciting all at once. I am hoping I will be able to get control of my life for once and stop being held back by my fears.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:55 pm

hi liz,
welcome to the program. i went through it in 2004 and they have changed it i think..i wish you the best of luck and take your time and go at your own pace would be what i would do if i was you..i come in here from time to time to help uplift others. the program will give you the skills and tools that you need to go on your journey to happier places and make you feel good about yourself as well..i can tell you this from experience. if it worked for me and i had it all my life then it will work for you..may this also be your year to shine and GOD BLESS..

Posts: 449
Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:39 am

Post by cfe » Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:37 am

HELLO! and happy new year! I've just started my third week and am feeling better almost everyday I can already tell that this program is going to change my life and I know that it can do the same for you. I also reccomend taking it at your own pace, I know that i will spend two weeks on week three just so it can really sink in. good luck and heres to new beginnings.

'Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option'.
"What you are is God's gift to you, and what you do with what you are is your gift to God" Too Blessed to be Stressed!!! May Grace and Mercy be multiplied to you.

Lord Help me to Finish Strong - COLOSSIANS 1:10-12


Post by Guest » Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:39 am

Welcome to the group!
Yes, the program is reteaching you how to think about stress and anxiety. So you find there are times of sad reflections, anxiety, and unlimited future possibilities! These things help us to see the light!

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