not sure if im doing it right?

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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angela chriss
Posts: 39
Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:25 am

Post by angela chriss » Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:33 pm

ok ive had the program for awhile. and according to lucinda, im suppose to be on session 4.. now im confused, im still on the first disk, and it has 5 sessions, so am i on session 1 or 5, im confused, and when do i put on disc 2. i dont know what im doing, but i listen to the same two tapes, and i still have on disk 1. can someone please explain, how to do it. its making me frustrated, and i wanna move forward, but i dont wanna jump ahead if im not doing it right? can someone help? thanks
"when u know better, u do better"


Post by Guest » Thu Dec 27, 2007 7:04 pm

Hi is that your pic, you're a pretty girl! I am doing the online version and I was confused at first too. It seems there are Lessons which are divided into sessions. Does that help? I wouldn't worry too much about doing every thing exactly perfectly too, I think that's part of my problem. Good luck to you!


Post by Guest » Thu Dec 27, 2007 7:33 pm

I have no idea what the heck I am doing either. I put in dvd one. I guess only a portion of it is lesson 1. Then I listened to cd 1, 2 and 3 in the car on the way to work. I listened to 1 like 4 times and got tired of it and listend to 2 three times. I have yet to write anythng down though, because I am trying to get some time for myself. Everything around me has been so hectic and stressful lately, that If I wait until I have time to write, I will never get any part of this done. So I am doing what I can when I can. If I have to do it over 5 times oh well then I will. I feel better today than I did a couple of weeks ago when I did not know anything at all about this program, but I am still so confused. I have no idea how this web site works or how to chat or really anything, so if anyone has any ideas, I am all ears. Thanks,


Post by Guest » Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:10 pm

I think what happen is that you are seeing the DVD wich is like something general in one disk of the five first sessions.......but there is audio tapes or CD too( whichever you ordered) that you have to listen 3 times a week for each session plus the workbook......If I were you I would call the center's number and ask them for help :) Welcome!!!! you will do great!!!


Post by Guest » Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:07 pm

why thank you guys, and yes miamikittycat, that is me, thank you for the compliment. i feel good that im not the only one who is lost. i listen to the same 3tapes alot, and i read the work book, so i guess im just gonna continue, to the next disc 2, will see how that goes. and thanks it never dawned on me to call and ask for help, i guess i wanna do everything myself, thats my problem, i dont like asking for help, but here i am, and i realized its the best thing i ever did. i guess its ok to just be me. thanks alot u guys. i appreciate it. ill keep u all updated on my process. so far so good...


Post by Guest » Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:27 pm

Good for you! Ask questions! I think the people with this program seem very sincere. I'll bet you don't mind helping others. I think people that are associated with this are the types that like to help. Wow, I have to go to bed now! T/C


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:14 pm

Hello everyone and welcome all you newbies. Yes listen to the CD's or tapes more than the DVD/video. Please do your workbook, if only a little at a time or some of it if you only can skim it. That is where you're making the program personal for you. I'm on my 2nd time around so a little advice, first timers. I worked on my lesson for the week but if I was having difficulty say with worry, I'd jump to that CD. I did that with the different CD's. It's like I had to see what each one was even tho I still worked on the lesson for the week. I wanted to "hurry up" and get better. Well, it's better to take each lesson slow and really get it. I see now how each lesson really does build on the next one. I agree with miami that you are very pretty angela. I had a pretty niece named Angela, we called her Angie. She was on her first and last motorcycle at age 22. We still miss her. That was in 2000. I have an angel ornament with her name on it hanging in the center of our tree. Anyway God bless each of you doing the program.


Post by Guest » Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:40 pm

thank you barb, i am trying to move at a slow pace, but i wanna hurt up and be happy go lucky. which is hard, i know things come to those who are patient, but thats one thing i lack..but im trying, hearing from someone whos doing it again. it doesnt matter how long it takes, just as long as its helping. thanks for your input, i needed to hear that, and im very sorry about angie..she was very young, and yes she is your angel looking over you. god bless. and happy new year to you all..

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