relationship anxiety

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Joined: Sat Feb 04, 2006 4:29 pm

Post by Priv3060 » Mon Dec 31, 2007 12:52 am

I have been seeing this person for about a year now. It is relatively a really good relationship. We get along very well, we have fun together, there is obviously attraction, we have a really strong friendship. We fight and have our differences but who doesn't. But I can't get this feeling out of my head that I could be with someone better. I am 27 but don't have much experience with dating.
The thing is when I think of us going our own seperate ways I freak out. But when I feel commited to her I freak out as well.
Any advice guys? All words of wisdom would be greatly apprecitated. Me and her have talked about this and struggled with it for months now. She really loves me and I care deeply for her but can't say that I LOVE her yet.
I apoligize I know this is an anxiety message board but this issue has been a HUGE factor for my anxiety.
Thank you so much!


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:15 pm

Priv 3060,

I'm very aware of anxiety due to a relationship. I had thought I had found the woman of my dreams, she was all I ever hoped for. We got engaged, and I was on top of the world. She told me I could trust her love for ever, and so I gave her my heart and sole but resently, she told me she couldn't go through with it, because she needed to be free. This haunts me every day,and is no doubt a main cause of my anxiety and depression.

If you have a girl that really loves you, and you feel the same about her, hold on with everything you,ve got, and always commnuicate openly and honestly.I think that's the key. There is no greater gift than real true love between two people.

As far as wondering wether she you can find someone better...... The perfect woman is one that believes you are the perfect man.

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