Just got started....

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Post by fritz_1977 » Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:15 pm

So, I finally started the anxiety series. I’ve known for a long time that I needed to buckle down and focus on my issues with anxiety. I’ve read the books on the subject, but I felt it was time for a regimen. It’s true that you can have the “knowledge” about what anxiety is and how to deal with it, but you need the “practice” to truly overcome it.

Why am I anxious? A lot of it certainly has to do with my thought patterns. Also, I tend to stay stuck in situations that I know are bad for me. Both of these need to change before I will notice any sort of difference.

But, I’m excited about the future. I have a sense that no matter what happens, I really feel like I’m on the path to being able to handle ANYTHING!

Diggity Di
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Post by Diggity Di » Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:11 pm

Hi Fritz. With that attitude you are on the right path. You will be able to accomplish anything! Like you, I've known for awhile that I was on a path of self destruction. But it was too hard for me to make the changes I needed to. It took too much effort and it was scary to think of what would happen if I changed something and didn;t know how the change would effect not just me, but everyone and everything around me. What if I lose something I like out of this change? What if it's a very difficult change to make and then it doesn't change the way I want it to? I hd and still have those thoughts sometimes when I know I need to do something that seems like it may be scary change. Regardless, it feels better when you do it, rather than wondering "what if I did it".
I began the program in June of 06. It's only been in the past few months that I've consciencely been making choices based on what I want to change. You're right, you need to practice before you can overcome it. I listened to the tapes and worked in the workbook for about a year before I really started to go for what I wanted. I have really been practicing, little things and big all the time. Give yourself the recognition you deserve every time. We all "know" these things and it's logical to us, we believe them. But when we do them, it makes them a reality for us. We're all on our way just for being here and practicing.

LeeAnn Sanzo
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Joined: Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:47 pm

Post by LeeAnn Sanzo » Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:14 pm

Fritz, I know what you mean about having knowledge and practicing what you know. I've ordered this program before, but all I did was read the book from start to finish and listened to a few tapes, but I didn't apply what I knew, this time I ordered the program and i'm going to start it from part 1 and not go to 2 until I've mastered part one..I really need to engrain this into my lifestyle..but even when I read the book the other way, the things about breathing and calming yourself down was a godsend..and I know that this time I'm going to feel even better...

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