Lamictal for depression

Questions and experiences with prescription medications
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Post by Diana123 » Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:08 am

I have treatment resistant depression and my doctor has supplemented my Cymbalta (120 mg) and Wellbutrin (100 mg) with Lamictal. I have only been on the initial dose of 25 mg for one week as my doctor tritrates me to a therapeutic dose. During this first week I have experienced vivid nightmares, headaches and an increased appetite, and I am tempted to stop taking it. However, I understand that side effects may be temporary as I get up to the correct dose and I wonder if I should be patient. Has anyone else had a similar experience?


Post by Guest » Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:56 pm

Diana, everyone has their own body chemistry. What works for some may not work for others. For me, I cannot tolerate antidepressants, and I've tried them all. See your doctor as soon as you can and let him/her discuss with you the probs that you are having on this medication. Perhaps the doctor will substitute another medication. There is no need to torment yourself w/a medication that is not working for you. Take a review of Lucinda's program that specifically addresses your concerns. And remember, the 24 hour helpline is available when you need advice. Personally I used the helpline twice and truly received some excellent advice and coaching. Hang in there, you are ok, just going through a "yuk" period which will pass. Ron


Post by Guest » Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:33 pm

You have really shared very good information about depression cure's .....its helpful for me....thanks for sharing.



Post by Guest » Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:32 pm

I am currently taking Lamictal for my anxiety and depression.

I am on 200mg now working my way up slowly. I have found it to be a great help so far. It is a very good mood stabilizer and its sideeffects seem negligble for me.

The only thing I have had has been more vivid dreams. I dream almost every night..alot more than I used to. Is that a bad thing?

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