Help-SO many things!!-Celexa

Questions and experiences with prescription medications
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Post by TNL » Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:17 am

HELP! I took my first 20mg pill of celexa yesterday morning & was tired/sleepy ALL day...took 2-3 naps & then slept well last night. I did not take the pill today because of how tired it made me yesterday...but already I've taken a 2hr. nap! I got up at 6:30am, went back to bed at 9am-11am. Now it's 1:15 and I'm so tired I can barely type this.

Also, my head has been feeling tingly-funny..this was happening before, but now it's a different 'type' of funny. My back has been aching as well, I'm not sure if it's from sitting, sleeping, medicine, etc... I just don't know??

My vision has been weird I'm 'dazed' out or in a little bit of a thin fog?? Not sure how to explain it. And it is worse in the right eye. I've checked my blood pressure & it is fine, my pulse is fine. My appetite could be better - as of now & for the past week and 1/2 I've been forcing myself to eat, with occasional vomiting...I'm not sure I can attribute all this to anxiety - although I've had blood tests, Ultrasound on my heart, stress test, EKG, CT scan, etc.... all I have is a mitral valve prolapse (leaky heart valve) and it is not life threatening.

Has anyone else had sooooo many different symptoms? Some come and go, some linger around, then sometimes if one leaves I get 1-2 more in it's place.....If so, could you please tell me what all you've been through & how you either ignore them or make them go away?? I can't stand it anymore!!!

I know I can't blame everything on the celexa...I'm probably going to take 1/2 a pill (10mg) tonight before I go to bed. Any suggestions??
God is Always with Me & He will get me through this!


Post by Guest » Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:22 am

I started off on 10mg's because my doctor said 20mg was too strong to start off on.I suggest taking 10mg for about 2 weeks then take 20mg if needed.After 6 weeks I felt so much better.My appetite came back and i actually gained a little weight.My headaches were gone and i felt 90% better.I did keep a funny feeling in my head the whole time i was on celexa but it was worth it.I am now weening off my celexa and the funny feeling i had in my head is gone and i feel alive again.Just give the celexa a little time to take full effect.God Bless

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Post by ~*schnauzermom*~ » Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:48 pm

Thank you, johnboy11. I appreciate your answer.

I am very sensitive to medicine. Do you know if they make a 5mg? I think I could start that low & go up if I need to.

You only took celexa for 6 weeks total and then weaned off?
"Afterall, everybody only hears what he understands." by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Post by Guest » Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:49 pm

I am very sensitive to meds also.I think the lowest dose you can get is a 10mg.I have 10mg's right now that i break in half and take.I haven't completely weaned off yet.I am still taking 5mg per day.I am going to go down to 2.5mg per day in a couple weeks and just keep on weening slowly.I have been on it longer than 6 weeks but it takes 6 weeks for it to fully kick in.I have been on it for about 3 months total.It got me over the hump so now i just wanna battle the depression and anxiety on my own.Starting at 5mg and going up is a good idea though.Good luck!


Post by Guest » Thu May 21, 2009 12:17 pm

I have a 20mg tablet and my doctor wrote the prescription to take 10 but I asked if I could break it int 4 with a pill cutter and take 5mg. She said that was fine.

I'm trying to decide how long to take the 5mg before going up to 10mg. I had some bad anxiety today but I'm thinking it's more my fear than from the medicine itself. I had some spells of being super tired too. Today was my 2nd day to take it. I also take Klonapin at night to help me sleep.

So I hope that you are feeling better by now. . . since you wrote this a month ago.

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