Questions and experiences with prescription medications
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:47 am

Post by cupcake08 » Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:25 am

Hi I am new still havent recieved the program yet but am waiting. But I just went to my Phyci Dr and I was given a persciption for Prozac. Does any one have any good expericence with this med?? Did it help?? I am anxious about starting it since I have tried Celexa for a week and Zoloft for 5 weeks and both made my symptoms a lot worse any experience / advice would be appreciated thanks (GOOD COMMENTS ONLY PLEASE ) I am lready super nervous about trying this med


Post by Guest » Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:44 am

Hi cupcake08,

I personally have never tried this medicine but I know my grandma was on it for years for her "nerves" and she lived to be 99! I think if they thought it was safe for a woman that age that it would be relatively safe period. Different meds work differently for different people so I hope this one will work for you. If not, keep trying.


Post by Guest » Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:41 pm

HI CUPCAKE.I know how you feel. I was so nervous to take my meds. My bf is on prozac. His dr said its good because it has a half life or something like that so if you get off it you dont have withdrawls. I hear its good for pms. I dont think it would hurt at all to try this. i was on celexa and didnt like it at all! I would take prozac over any other SSri IMHO. I am on pristiq and i love it for my depression. good luck honey. You will be fine.


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:57 pm

I've never been on Prozac. I was on Celexa for several years but it quit working. The Doctor changed me to a couple of meds before we found Lexapro. My advice is to let your Dr. know any side-effects that you're experiencing with the medication. Just give it a try


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 09, 2010 7:33 am

Thanks for all the replies I guess i just have to give it a try and not let fear get the best of me. Maybe it will work or wont be like the others meds i tried hopefully i'll pray about it.


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:34 am

i have been on differnt doses of prozac since march 2010,after several months settled on 50 mg,but it caused me weight gain and no sex drive so in june dr added wellbutrin sr,cant tell much difference also have been on benzos 20 years,i am now down to 10 mg prozac and i have lost 10 pounds,,,im doing ok and i think it did help but im going to just try being on the wellbutrin,recently went on the estrogen menest as i had a hystrectomy 15 years ago adn i stopped meds for it 8 years ago,i have been in 3 mental hosp.and this is the best i have been in years,but still worry constanly and have no energy hoping the estrogen will help that..we all have to keep trying till we find something thats works im still not on the right track but hubby thinks im so much better,but when he is at work i get scared


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:49 pm

HI cupcake. I was on prozac for 2 yrs from October 08 to July 2010. I've been without any medication for 1 month and although sometimes I feel like getting back on Med. My counselor always reminds me to use my skills that were taugh 2 yrs ago. I've done cognitive therapy and I must say, a combination of both therapy and meds have saved my life. I still battle anxiety and depression. Its an everyday battle but I also know how to handle situations that come my way with this program and private counseling. I loved prozac, never had side-affects and was very easy to get off it.


Post by Guest » Sat Aug 28, 2010 7:00 am

i haven't tried that one but just remember different medicines work differently for each person. Try it and if it doesn't work just try another one. Try not to worry, you are not alone. Lexapro is also a good one. I tried it and liked it.


Post by Guest » Sat Aug 28, 2010 7:29 am

Hi. I have been on Prozac a couple of times for extended periods. It worked very well in alleviating depression. On point is that most of the antidepressants take about 6 weeks to really work. It also has the advantage of being a generic so it is inexpensive.


Post by Guest » Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:12 pm

I love my Prozac, it works great. I hope it works put for everyone else as well.

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