Hysterectomy and Mitral Valve Prolapse

Questions and experiences with prescription medications
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Joined: Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:08 am

Post by annak91 » Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:47 am

I have been reading your threads regarding heightened anxiety after hysterectomy due to hormone fluctuations. I am very concerned, as I was advised to have a hysterectomy and suffer from anxiety disorder in part due to mitral valve prolapse. If this operation is going to make my condition worse, I wonder if I should have it. The thought of surgery is anxiety-producing enough as it is. I can't tolerate hormones because of the mitral valve prolapse. I was taken off of them after experiencing some serious side effects due to the heart condition. Has anyone had any experience with this? I am talking to my gynecologist about it Monday.


Post by Guest » Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:30 am


I had a hysterectomy last year. I do not regret having it done, however there are some things that you should talk with your doctor.
Are they removing the ovaries?... do they have to remove both?... Sometimes the just remove the uterus, or leave one of the ovaries.
If they remove the ovaries, you should ask about "possible" consequenses to your heart, to your mood, and the anxiety part.
It is a possibility that you face anxiety after the surgery, however you don't have to start on hormones, it is possible to manage the anxiety some other way.
Talk to your doctor, your gynecologist and your cardiologist or family doctor. Get as much information as you can before you agree to the surgery.
I hope this helps.

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