Stopped taking zoloft

Questions and experiences with prescription medications
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Post by jfour » Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:15 am

I stopped taking zoloft about two months ago because I was so tired of the weight gain. I started exercising now but still feel like anxiety wants to creep back. Mostly "what if" scenarios. I plan to keep going in the program and really learn while I listen.


Post by Guest » Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:45 am

Hi, I stopped zoloft about 4 months ago also because of weight gain. I was on it for 2 years and it didnt seem to work anymore for the depression--i think i was depressed because of my weight gain.
I just got diagnosed with colitis/proctitis and always have stomach aches which I think is IBD..My anxiety is making it worse and now considering getting back on zoloft to see if it helps with my colitis.

Its been very hard losing weight even off zoloft and exercising...
I hope the program helps you..Dr. Burns book Feeling good has helped me alot while being off zoloft.

Good luck


Post by Guest » Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:18 pm

My Dr. put me on a graduated dosage of Zoloft, starting with 20 MG, 25, 50, 75, then 100. I did O.K. until I got to 100 MG. Within five days, I began having chronic diarrhea. Over a two-week period (maybe two and a half), he tapered me off it. The last day I took it was the last day of diarrhea! I've had IBS for years, with colon problems off and on. He said a lot of people's digestive/intestinal systems can't tolerate Zoloft.

If you have a problem, figure it's the Zoloft and get off it. Hopefully, you'll be fine! Best of luck.


Post by Guest » Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:29 pm

I've been on the big Z for several months now. It used to not really bother my stomach, but I've noticed the last month or so that I always get kind of queasy an hour or so after taking it. I'm going to talk to my doctor about trying something else. Despite that, it seemed to work well for my depression, though it didn't do much for my anxiety.


Post by Guest » Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:29 am

Its interesting to hear some of you talk about weight gain with Zoloft. Is this a side effect that your doctors acknowledged, you found listed with the drug's info, or is it anecdotal.
We have been told repeatedly by multiple doctors that weight gain was not attributable to this medication. The whole ordeal lead to us having to pay for a $5000+ surgery ourselves because we could not prove to the insurance that the medicine caused the problem. Any credable source would be appreciated.

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