Benzo question someone please reply!

Questions and experiences with prescription medications
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Holly J
Posts: 367
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Post by Holly J » Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:44 pm

Hi everyone. I have been on ativan for over a year and wondered if this has happened to anyone. I take it at night and I have a major problem with eating in the middle of the night. It is uncontrollable. I have gained weight and wondered if anyone thinks it could be from the ativan.
"Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)"

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Post by sickofbeingsick » Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:00 pm

Hi Holly,

Im on Xanax and have a similar problem...not sure if its the meds or just me..
curious to hear about others take..

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Post by mtdeffend » Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:02 am

Hi Holly, that is really interesting because I take Xanax occasionally at night, and I have started having the same thing happen to me! I have never in my life been someone who wakes up in the middle of the night hungery and now I'll wake up out of a dead sleep and be starving! Have no idea either if it has anything to do with the meds, but it is definately a coincidence!

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Post by Paisleegreen » Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:40 am

I'm taking generic Remeron right now, and right after I take it, I get very hungry. I have found that if I have a protein based meal before hand I'm better at staving off the sugar snacks. So I usually will have a tuna on toast w/ a vegetable and milk or a couple of sunny side up eggs and whole grain toast and milk. I also if needs be, have a Nestle's chocolate ice cream cone (already frozen) from a box of 6. This helps with the cravings.
I also make sure I've done some aerobic exercise, such as walking around my block or gardening. I really noticed the cravings during the summer after spending the day at a water park. Now that it is Autumn and colder, I will have to adjust my exercise and sugar intake. s

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Post by adam2272 » Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:18 am

This is normal...I'm not a doctor...nor ever want to be one...but lets look at this...When you take something that is relaxing your system...your digestive system is activated and if you are anxious during the day and at night take something that is relaxing your stomach (increasing blood flow to the area) you are going to tend to get hungry..Seems pretty normal to me...Just have a bite to eat before bed something healthy and light. and excersize! :) Cheers

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Post by Paisleegreen » Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:19 pm

That is what really happened with me. Since I wouldn't take the Xanax, by the time the Remeron kicked in, I was very hungry! :eek: Now I it is really getting cold, so I'm going to have to go to the GYM, if I'm not careful. I've really been eating good food, now and not eating ice cream, chocolate milk, etc. I've really changed my eating habits. But with the holidays coming around, I really do not want to see any weight gain. Unless it is some muscle! :D

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