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Questions and experiences with prescription medications
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Am 23
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:43 pm

Post by Am 23 » Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:01 pm

Ok well I have been on meds since I was 16. I have a severe panic disorder (couldnt leave the house or my mom, I had panic attack after panic attack). I started off on Paxil and gradually the mg were increased and then the dr added klonopin. It then stoped working after 5 yrs. I was put on Zoloft 50mg with hydroxyzine which worked great and that also ended up increasing to 100mg and that worked for over 2 yrs. Then again this medicine stoped working. Then my dr put me on cymbalta which was horrible I got off of that after a few months, then prozac from 20mg to 80mg with klonopin, that stoped working. Now I am back on Zoloft started at 100mg and now am at 200 mg and also take Buspar 20mg 3 times a day (which I only take once a day or twice). I feel a lot better, normal again. But here comes my problem....
I am engaged to my soul mate he has been by myside for over 8 years, he is from another country and we want kids after we get married. He hates me taking medicine and wants me to find an alternative (herbal, vitamins, fish oil) He also wants to take me to his beautiful island to see where he is from. I have wanted to get off this medicine since I was 20. I hate it. I cry each time one stops working and I still feel bad and end up on the next medicine. I feel like I will NEVER have a kid because I will not get pregnet while taking these meds. I just want to be normal I don't want to have to take med. I want to be able to feel normal without the meds. My regular dr told e that I may be on meds for the rest of my life:( But my Phy told me that I need Cognitive Behavorial therapy to teach me to deal with it so I can eventually reduce the dose and get off the meds.
Has anyone had severe panic and ocd? Thoughts that You are afraid you will hurt someone and it causes panic attacks? I havent had them since I have been on the zoloft but when the meds stoped working each time I had tose repetitive thoughts, even knowing I would nor could I ever do it. Have you ever had all the same symptoms as me and were able to eventually get off the meds? Please any advice? I just want to feel good like I do now but without taking these meds. thank you for listening
The Lord will get me through this <3

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Post by JT_Money » Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:20 am

I specifically got this program in an attempt to wean myself off medication and gain control over my own thoughts and feelings. I have been on Prozac, Cymbalta, Paxil, now Zoloft. I've tried Xanax (put me to sleep), Lorazepam (not as bad) and now clonazepam for the anxiety.

Like you, I have either suffered the 'Prozac Poop-out' or had bad side effects (Cymbalta, I'm looking at you!). Some of the antidepressants don't really touch the anxiety for me anyways.

I too worry about when the Zoloft poops out on me and the depression returns. I, like many, hate to take medications, even Tylenol.

My best advice is to follow the program and practice the skills religiously NOW while you feel good and in control. That way, you have them ingrained in your mind for the trying emotional times if/when you wean off the meds.

That's what I'm trying to do anyways.

According to some of the coaching tapes, many of the people on them claim to have been drug-free after practicing the skills in this program. BUT IT WILL TAKE TIME! If you need the meds now then so be it. But use this period of relative calm to lay a foundation of solid skills that you can use to work through the anxiety.

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Post by nessa9522 » Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:37 am

I think you should do the program, pray God will get you through this. everytime you have a bad thought say For God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. Do you go to church? that has helped me alot being in the presence of the lord and just crying out to him. He is great and will see you through just trust him.

Am 23
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:43 pm

Post by Am 23 » Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:22 pm

Thank you for your replies. I go to church sometimes. More recently. I feel better but the last few weeks I have been panicky due to family situations. But I a,m just going to keep praying. And I'm going to start the program and follow it through this time. :)
The Lord will get me through this <3

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Joined: Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:08 pm

Post by maxy140 » Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:06 pm

Hi There,
I just read your post from July. How are you feeling? I to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. I tried Effexor XR and after 4 days I started having horrible thoughts. Thoughts that scared the crap out of me. I know that I am a good person but i cant understand why these thoughts are there. This is a big aspect of my anxiety now. i stopped the medication but still suffer from the thoughts. I think it is because I am obsessing about them and now they wont go away. I try to replace them with good thoughts I am reading the book from panic to power which has been very helpful. Any suggestins?

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