Starting the program again

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Starting the program again

Post by Jrbozio5p » Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:56 pm

Hi everyone.... My name is Morgan. I had my first panic attack when I was 21. I remember every single thing that happened like it was yesterday. Went to the urgent care where they did every test under the sun of course and they all came up empty. That’s when I learned what a panic attack was. Unfortunately I left with no tools to fix the problem. From there they happened every so often and I could never pin point the cause. When the panic attacks and depression got so bad I went to my family and told them of my problems and said I needed help. It was then that I was given the book and cds. I did the program and was great for probably 10 years with very few issues.

As I’ve gotten older (39 now) I’ve noticed with all the stresses of life, relationships, friends passing, career.... and the current situation in our world with a terrible virus I have had to reopen these pages. I can say that my anxiety has been at an all time high.

I’m currently starting the program over and I’m on disk 2. It has helped tremendously in the last few days.

I could go on and on about my story... if anyone is curious I’ll tell you more.

I signed up for the forum to hopefully speak to people who have been through this and have came out the other side with a smile on their face. I look forward to being one of those people.

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Re: Starting the program again

Post by coachchris » Tue Mar 17, 2020 5:01 pm

Hello Morgan,

Thank you for writing and reaching out. Sorry to hear the anxiety is at an ALL time high.
Lesson two is right where you should be. The 6 steps are key especially the calming, comforting, truth-filled thoughts. I would also recommend lessons 3, 4 and 14.

Be sure to be writing out negatives to positives. We are all confronting some big questions around control. It's important to try and sort through the worry and find truths we can get anchored in.

Here are some of the truths I am using when feeling activated and worried:
It's ok to feel a bit activated and uncomfortable. There is a lot going on. I know when do my breathing, slow down my thoughts my body relaxes. I have the power to think better and feel better. This is temporary and it will pass. I am loved. I am healthy. God is in control.

Growth spurts teach us a lot and keep us growing and getting stronger. We are indeed in new territory with this virus. I am so thankful program and the wealth of information we have right in front of us. I hope and pray we can pass on help to anyone in need.

I look forward to your reply and hearing some of your positive truths. I am happy to have a free coaching call if you would like to chat.
I also posted in my ASK COACH CHRIS thread several other ideas to help through this season we are in.

Peace and Health,
Coach Chris


Re: Starting the program again

Post by Fireandice192001 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:09 am

Hi Morgan I’m feeling the same as you. I did the program yrs ago and it helped a lot. I was telling my mom that as I’m older and with more responsibilities I’m finding it harder. I’m looking for support as well. I’m journaling and I’m on chapter 13 but with all this new stuff going on it has been messing with my anxiety. I feel like a child needing to be comforted by my mom. I don’t feel like I’m where I want to be in the program. I was doing well last couple of weeks. I was happy and dealing then this virus stuff comes up and I have a new psyc dr bc my other retired And he has scared be to death about getting off my meds. He didn’t say get off them now. He said I had to do it slowly bc of the side effects of the anxiety meds. It’s like it’s one thing after another. I’m trying my best god I’m trying. I’m trying not to be perfect in an imperfect world. I’m trying not to over react. I need support right now. I do know this too will pass.

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Re: Starting the program again

Post by Jrbozio5p » Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:48 pm

I definitely do not know as much about the program as Coach Chris. He is the best source of information that. I personally have just been avoiding things that I know get my anxiety going while we’re dealing with this difficult time. Social media, news, etc.

Instead I have been concentrating on eating good foods, getting exercise, walking the dogs 🐶 🐕 and doing the program. I find that I feel my best when I get out and breathe that fresh air.

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Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:29 pm

Re: Starting the program again

Post by Jrbozio5p » Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:57 pm

Coach Chris....

Thank you so much for the reply. In this difficult time I have told myself it’s ok to be nervous. There are a lot of people who are nervous at this difficult time. I’m focusing on being calm and also strong for others.
I have also started a fitness routine again and since the restaurants have been shut down in our area we’re eating healthy at home.
In an ironic way I suppose there is some good for me in all of this. Just wish I didn’t need the excuse of a virus to get into good shape again. 😂


Re: Starting the program again

Post by Fireandice192001 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 6:20 pm

Hi coach Chris where is the ask coach Chris section?

Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:29 pm

Re: Starting the program again

Post by Jrbozio5p » Wed Mar 18, 2020 6:32 pm

Go to the search bar up in the corner and type that in.

Should take ya to it!


Re: Starting the program again

Post by Fireandice192001 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:14 pm

I found it. Thx.


Re: Starting the program again

Post by Fireandice192001 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:14 pm

I found it. Thx.

Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:29 pm
Location: louisiana

Re: Starting the program again

Post by lockdo » Sat Apr 11, 2020 2:07 am

I was not on the site for about 3 years. I hope you are feeling okay. :)

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