New to the program and posting in a message forum

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Joined: Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:57 am

New to the program and posting in a message forum

Post by Sheri238 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:58 am

Hello - I've been experiencing anxiety and depression for probably 20 years. I wish I had found this program long ago as the anxiety has been building through the years because it wasn't addressed properly. I seem to fit all of the descriptions to a tee. I'm on week 4, having spent 2 weeks on week 3 to focus better. I thought I was improving, but weather and feelings of isolation brought back anxiety and panic attacks full bore this weekend. Insomnia is an ongoing, serious issue for me, as it's 2 am and I'm figuring out how to introduce myself on this forum. I've tried herbal remedies, homeopathic remedies, and prescription as a last resort. If I could sleep, I could function better and better cope and heal. Any help out there?

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Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:34 pm

Re: New to the program and posting in a message forum

Post by coachchris » Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:51 pm

Hi Sheri238,
Thank you for writing and introducing yourself. We are so thrilled you found the program, 20 years of anxiety and depression is enough. Since you are just now getting through lesson three and you mentioned some insomnia I would make sure your selftalk around sleep is positive and truthful. Most of us have very negative thinking around sleep. Lots of whatifs, shoulds and anger all centered around trying to sleep or why we aren't sleeping. Try and practice compassionate, comforting selftalk regarding sleep. This could sound like: I always falls asleep quickly. I love climbing into bed and drifting off into rest. When I wake up in the middle of the night I know I can drift back into sleep quickly. My body is ready to rest and created to fall into sleep. Also try to stay on a schedule. Get up at the same time each day as well as to bed around the same time. Turn off electronic devices an hour before bed and try to finish eating 3 hours before bed. If you can exercise during the day for 20 to 30 minutes this is also very helpful.
Hang in there and continue to work on one lesson a week. Give yourself a big hug. This is hard courageous work your doing. You are worth it!
Coach Chris

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