spiraling down

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spiraling down

Post by Stocks2 » Sun Apr 02, 2017 7:40 pm

Hi Everyone

I have used Lucinda's course off and on since the 90's. I have had moderate success only because of my lack of commitment in the past. However, recently I have become desperate. I am reaching out to determine if anyone else has experience in what I have. 3 years ago I was forced into retirement by a reduction in force. I was not ready nor had the funds accrued to retire. To make a long story short I developed a systemic Candida yeast infection. My problem is identifying whether the body symptoms I am experiencing are from the yeast or anxiety and can I correct thru the skills of the program. I have a white coating on my tongue that has been there going on 3 years. I have indigestion and have muscle pains, sweating, lack of focus, head aches, and significant fatigue all of the time. I have attempted converting negative thinking to positive on a daily basis in my journaling. I have endless negative thoughts blowing into my head that are overwhelming my ability to stop them or they become very fatiguing trying to allow them to float thru. Has any one else experience this and had success curing their yeast infection and anxiety. Any discussion would be welcome. My current plan is to start the program again from the beginning. Steve

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Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:34 pm

Re: spiraling down

Post by coachchris » Fri Apr 14, 2017 12:07 pm

Hi Steve,
Thank you for your post.
How are you treating the candida? Do you have someone helping you with it?
I would recommend treating that first and being very patient with yourself as the body heals and recovers. No matter what you are feeling, whether you can identify if it's adrenaline or or not, try to under-react, be compassionate and calm. We all tend to over-think our recovery and make it hard to move forward. This is how we get overwhelmed and stuck. As you make space for your body to heal, the symptoms will lesson and your positive thinking will increase. Talk to yourself like you would a good friend. Lower expectations and set smaller goals for the program.

I am assuming you are steering clear of sugar, alcohol and foods high in carbs. Moderate exercise, lots of water and healthy fats are very helpful. If you need further help on dietary changes I would recommend Dave Asprey, Bulletproof and Dr. Caroline Leaf , Think and Eat Yourself Smart.

I look forward to your reply,
Coach Chris

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