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Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 2:00 am


Post by Sparkus » Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:13 am

I'm technically not "new" to these boards- I just haven't been back to visit for some time now. Today, interestingly, the urge struck me to visit this site again and look around.

Back in 2004 I was struggling with severe panic and anxiety which was debilitating, keeping me from working. My wife and I had no children and during that time I stayed at home, wrestling with my symptoms, wondering "what is wrong with me?" I sought out a psychologist and started therapy. I was nearly homebound at one point which scared me more than anything, imagining myself never leaving my bedroom for 20 years or some horrific scenario as that.

I discovered the MW Center program at that time and began working it immediately, becoming a student of my mental health problems. I read books by Claire Weekes and starting studying about other people who overcame their anxiety challenges. I realized that depression was actually at the base of my troubles and as I continued working on my thinking, creating more rational alternatives to the negative patterns I had unconsciously digested about myself and the rest of the world, I began healing, experiencing fewer and fewer symptoms.

My relationship with my wife improved and soon started wanting to go back to work which I did. I did not feel "perfect" again for many months and realized that I would need to continue working on myself as a lifelong pursuit- this was a new way of life and the old ways were simply not working nor had a place in the future for me. Change is tough, I realized, but far tougher is it to sit and stew with the same mindsets I had, expecting things to magically change on their own. That expectancy would never be realized and was just avoidance on my part for fear of change. My fears of what would become of me without anxiety in my life materialized as a fear of not being successful. In fact, I began to see that it was ok to get back into my life and work my goals and fail! Failure is our friend because we learn and it is ok to be imperfect because, well, we ARE imperfect! What a load off! Now I could just live imperfectly as an imperfect person and still accept myself and say "yes" to whatever would come down the pike for me in life because, as I concluded, I am good enough and I really like and care about myself. And no matter what happens, for better or worse, I can handle it!

For those of you who are new here I encourage you to get this program and work it. Don't hesitate because your life is too important. I hope my testimonial motivates you to participate in your own healing. Best of luck to all who reads this- I did it and am still growing and living a far better life today that 13 or so years ago- you can do it to!

Posts: 757
Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:34 pm

Re: Hello...Again!

Post by coachchris » Tue Mar 07, 2017 11:10 am

Hello Sparkus,

This is Coach Chris from the coaching team here at stresscenter.com. I love your statement about becoming a student of your mental health. Studying our thought life and understanding how our experiences and beliefs affect our mind and body is critical. Challenging our thoughts and seeking truth takes courage and effort. Congratulations on all of your hard work and thanks for sharing your powerful story. We welcome your knowledge and experiences. They are so helpful for those who continue to journey toward wholeness and peace.

Coach Chris

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