Proud moment

Don't let a setback discourage you, face the challenge and come out stronger for it. Celebrate your successes and be open to all of new opportunities that are about to come into your life.
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Post by bna » Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:05 am

I was at the dermatologist to have re-check of a ?wart removed from my temple area. I'v had this thing removed at least 5 times but it keeps coming back. They have assured me it's not cancer. Thank God. They double treated today with liquid nitorgen and sent me on my way with follow up in 4 wks.

As leaving, I am driving down the Industrial way where the office is located, I have to turn either left or right, as the road ends in a T. Traffic is very heavy, it's lunch time. I need to take a left turn, missed an opportunity as traffic from the right is heavy. As I'm sitting there, my mind is racing between the traffic and my recent appointment. I have been watching traffic to left, a box truck and several cars have there indicator on, there turning right,(but to my left) I look to right there is pick up truck off in distance, I hit the gas to pull out.

While pulling out in front of turning traffic, especially a large truck, I get a scary negative thoughts, what if you made a mistake and that truck was not turning and he could have board sided me, what if I was killed, what if I'm suicidal and I don't know it. What would everyone think of me?

I can feel my body going into a panic. I immediately started my deep breathing, calming voice. Telling myself it's just anxiety. Trying to find the truth in the situation. Obessessing over the what if's scenarios.

I kept telling myself I'm ok. If I had pulled out against the truck and he wasn't turning he would have blatsed his horn to kingdom come to alert me. It's just my scary/crap voice speaking. I know what these body symptoms are, they are a result of the adrenaline response. I'm ok. I repaeted that all the way home for a 1/2 hour I drove on the highway.

Here I am now feeling so proud of myself. No severe panic attack, I'm not paralyzed by the scary what if thoughts, actually smiling to myself over the absurdity of my negative/scary thinking.

If I can overcome and learn to manage my anxiety disorder, which was severe anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety and panic disorder, YOU CAN DO IT TOO. This program does work. Don't doubt it. Believe in yourself.

Thank you for allowing me to share my moment. I always feel so empowered when I can use my skills to squash this junk.

Take care to all and God Bless.

Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:31 am

Post by Cgirl1 » Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:25 am

Dear bna,
This was a great post. Thank you for sharing. It always helps to document our accomplishments to validate how much this program has helped us. I've been writing them down in my journal so that I can look back to see how far I've come. I had a small triumph as well. I had to give the reading yesterday at church. You would think this was no big deal, but ever since my anxiety started, any type of presentation makes me nervous. I did the same as you - I practiced my deep breathing and it calmed me down. I know that the more I practice presentations, the easier it will get. I just haven't had a lot of opportunity to practice lately. That's why I volunteered to give the readings - so that I could practice in this venue for when I have to give them at work.

I wish you continued success.


Post by Guest » Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:26 am

I'm so glad for you. You should feel proud, and keep patting yourself on the back. YES, THESE SKILLS DO WORK!!!!! YES, THIS PROGRAM DOES WORK!!!! Fantastic Job at using your skills. Keep it up. Take Care and God Bless You.
Your Friend

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