Ladies, do you suffer from this?

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Holly J
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Post by Holly J » Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:05 am

Every month before my period I am the WORST. I am more anxious, depressed and I am totally irritable, restless and super snappy with my poor boyfriend. Do you ever feel irrational too while pmsing which makes you think less clearly which makes your anxiety worse? When I am "normal" I am much more rational (especially since starting my anti depressant) but like 10 days before my period I feel like nothing can help me. I feel like I need to up my dose those 10 days before my period. I also feel like my mind is more cloudy and fuzzy and im out of it a lot. Does anyone else get this way before their period? Is this normal? I do have PMDD by the way and also on month 2 on YAZ and i feel like its not helping AT ALL. In fact, i feel like it may be making me worse . .? We'll see maybe I need to give it more time but if not i want to go back to my old birth control pill. The dr just put me on this because it is for PMDD. Anyway, I hate this and I know this is how i get before my period but it makes me feel so scared and feel like this wont go away. Bleh. Can anyone relate?
"Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)"

Ethans Mommy!
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Post by Ethans Mommy! » Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:34 am

I can definatley relate. I have the Mirena IUD and I don't actually get a flow right now but I get the PMS symptoms so I am always wondering if it is my period or if it is anxiety or something wrong with me! I hate this and it scares me really bad. I get the dizzyness and weird feelings worse and I am moody so I snap at my boyfriend as well and in my mind I feel sorry for him. But you are not the only one. We just have to realize that is is anxiety and that it isn't going to harm us its just annoying.

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Post by Twiggy21 » Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:35 am

Fear are not alone! I have this problem, too. As a matter of fact, night before last, I was irritable to the point of tears. Yesterday and today, I have been depressed (not too normal for me). I also take YAZ. For about the first 5 or 6 months, I felt like it was making things worse. I was more irritable and tired. But now, its been about a year and it has helped. Believe it or not, I am less irritable most months even though I had a hard time night before last. So, hang in there...this too shall pass!

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Post by DIAA » Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:56 am

All of my symptoms are worse about 5 days leading up to my period. I am pre-menopausal which also leads to whacky things. I am more depressed, and more prone to panic attacks.

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Post by karenLeigh » Thu Oct 16, 2008 3:58 am

I can relate to this as well. I was talking to my mother just the other day about all this pms junk that most women suffer with. The strange thing is my siester does not have pms at all, that I know of. But she has sufferd with alot of "physical" things. She has had cysts on her ovaries, yeast infections. She had to have a procedure done not to long ago. I think it was a boispy becuase her pap came back neg. So I was talking to my mother and I ask you think if you don't have the pms(which I believe is mental) that you may have the other problems which for my siester is physical things. She didn't know. I do think it runs in families though. My mother had pms bad and also had depression some. She has had a few panic attacks too. She has recently opened up about my grandma having this as well. It's bad how we feel like we have to hide these things. I believe it can be past thru the generations. Does anybody else have this...with the women in their family?
Don't get me wrong about the physical things. I have cramps and things like that but what I'm talking about is....I have never had problems beyond the monthly things. I have never had cysts or things like that.
I did go to a gynocologist about the pms a few yrs ago. He said you are already on anti-
depressents so I think it's your depression.
I have noticed, since I am doing the program that I have more control over the moodiness that comes along with pms. But I do feel like Holly with the fuzzy thoughts and my mind just doesn't feel clear. I think Lucinda even talks about that on the diet and exercise tape.
I would love to know why we have this though! You would think by now Doctors would be more advanced with this. The only thing I know that they do is they prescribe anti-depressants.
"Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world".

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Post by lovebug » Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:27 am

Thank you Holly J for bringing this up! When I first started being more observant about my anxious episodes, I too realized that 5-7 days before my period my symptoms were much worse. During this time, I really begin to doubt myself and believe my scary thoughts are real. I now know that it's just that time of the month and these feelings will pass. I'm just wondering if this program will help for that more difficult time. I too have thought maybe upping my dosage of Zoloft during that time would help. It is just a little frustrating because I'll have a consistent two to three weeks where I feel so good, and then wham, one day it all comes back. It does have to make you feel better that you're not the only one. I know when I read your post, I was so relieved that someone had brought up this topic. Thank you for sharing. I'm just curious what others have/are done/doing to relieve these type of symptoms that seem to be temporary. Have a great day and hope to hear more about all this "good stuff."

Holly J
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Post by Holly J » Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:58 am

I started taking omega 3 fish oil, flax seed oil and b-12. I hear this may help. I also take anti depressants and birth control like I said earlier. You know before i stopped my orotho tri cyclin LO in April I didn't even have PMS. I had some cramps but I was fine. No moodiness at all. Maybe a little depression and obsessive thinking before my period but nothing that really got to me. . . Than I stopped my pill because I was trying to get off anything that could make my anxiety/depression worse. Well turns out I got much worse and I am thinking it is because I got off the BC pills. I am only on month 2 of Yaz and I don't feel any better but maybe I should wait. . . or should I go back on my old pills? . . who knows. I'll talk to a dr. I just wish Yaz would give SOME relief during this time. Ive been on my anti depressants for a month so maybe this is not enough time either to help my PMDD. The weird thing is I have gotten blood tests and hey say my hormones are normal. . . I sure feel like they're not!
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kimmom-worry/nervous nellie/diabetic
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Post by kimmom-worry/nervous nellie/diabetic » Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:16 am

Do I ever get this! Am pre menopausal. Had a merina but got very depressed so got it taken out. I do feel much better after that.
Kimberly Han****

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Post by poppy36 » Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:12 am

hi ive been having problems with my pms the last few years i have only just recognised that a few days before my period that i am more anxious and seem to have panic attacks and palpatations more and feel very spaced out. at first i thought it was something else other than my anxiety. but my hormone blood test came back ok from the docs.. i am 36 and i am really struggling with this i dont take medication as i feel nothing works for me and i also have a phobia about med also..please help someone i have been overwhelmed with anxiety and just need reasuring it is my anxiety and not some other hormonal oestrogen related desease..

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