fibercystic breasts -help!

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Post by suzzie » Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:43 pm

I have had fibercystic breasts for years. I had a stupid doctor many years ago, who scared me to death when he felt the first one. Had mamogram and it was only fibercystic breasts. Since that incidence, I've been afraid of going to any doctor. I found a great chiropractor, who, for years, does deep tissue massage and gets rid of them completely before I go for mamograms. My question.......Does anyone know how to get rid of this naturally, or what I should or shouldn't be doing, or eating? theres got to be something I can do on my own. Please, any positive input will really help. Thank you, Suzzie

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Post by R.Younger » Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:09 pm

<span class="ev_code_PURPLE">Hey Suzie, I too have fcb. One of the best things to do is stay away from caffiene, this includes chocolate!!!! Now about this chiro thing, they actually massage your breast??? Are you comfortable with that? Just wondering? I was unaware that the cysts could be massaged out. Hope this helps, thanks for the post, Kitten</span>
" I will both lay down and sleep for You alone Lord make me dwell in safety" psalm 4:8

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Post by suzzie » Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:56 pm

Hi Kitten,
Thank you for responding. I need to tell you what led me to a chiropractor. When, I went to the doctor I told you about, at that time, about 13 years ago, when I went for my 1st mamogram, they said I it looked like fcb, so then my doctor told me I would have to be checked every 6 mo. Well, that totally freaked me out to a point of never wanting to go again. From that point I decided to find someone who could get rid of them w/o surgery (my biggest fears are all about health). I found a chiropractic who could. I have gone to him for 12 years now because I don't want to go through what I did before (it was the scariest time of my life). But now I'm looking for something I can do by myself, mainly to save money. I've also heard that artificial sweetners can cause these. I love my chiropractor but he's thinking of retiring. I'm scared to death. Can you tell me, is it different now, when you go a mamogram? Do they just know its fcb, or do they scare you to death? I really feel my anxiety about health started with this. I was fine going to the doctor before this. Please tell me if it really is not scary when they see these lumps, do they just know or do they freak you out. thanks again Suzzie

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Post by PattyD. » Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:22 pm

Hi. I have fcb as well and Kitten is right about caffiene. I have a yearly Mammo and I never get frightening statements. This topic reminded me so much of an event in my life. I experienced a major depression when I was 22. I went to an M.D. to rule out physical causes. When he took my blood pressure my heart started to beat funny. He freaked out and yelled at me to "stop it". After that event I always feared getting blood pressure taken. The good news is that I've never had a repeat of the experience and when I talked to Dr.s about the experience they laugh at the Dr.s reaction and reassure me that it happens sometimes. For me at the time it was a trigger. What I've learned and what Lucinda teaches, is that we have to face our fears and use positive and realistic self talk to overcome. Example would be: "So the nurse said I have to get Mammos every six months, that is preventative medicine and not a forecast for disaster. I can cope with illness when I experience it and I focus on being as healthy as I can. Then focus your thoughts on the Lucinda teachings and gain emotional and mental well being. I survived the depression and am living a pretty good life! Take care.

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Post by leadavis59 » Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:02 am

I am also one with fcb. Something I did and it made a huge difference. Every time in the past when I have had the mammogram they end up telling me I need to go for a ultrasound. So to save time and money and my mind, I asked my doctor to skip the mammogram and just order the ultrasound.
The doctor told me that my breasts are so dense that a mammogram can't be read well anyway so why do one? The ultrasound takes more time but doen't hurt. And I request a female tech. So much less stressful.
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Post by Karmerri » Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:29 am

Hi everyone...suzzie,

I had a terrible experience with having fibrocystic breast and my first mammogram (and two biopsies later...). Boy, when I look back I get pissed. Why? I have recently read the book by Christiane Northrup, MD "The Wisdom of Menopause" and I've read "What your doctor may not tell you about Menopause" by John R. Lee, MD. Of course, I am 38 right now and am not near menopause, but now, I started reading his other book "What your doctor may not tell you about Premenopause"

These books are really good, they explain in detail about hormones, expecially natural progesterone which is why I am responding back to your post. They say it is really good for fibrocystic breasts. Whatever you do, please get the book before using it b/c regular medical doctors who practice conventional medicine do not know anything about this. Some may even confuse it with synthetic progesterone (progestin) which is very bad for you. Find an alternative doctor or get any of the books. Like Lucinda says, be informed. BTW, if you decide to ever go this route, they say it can take up to 4 or 5 months using natural progesterone to get rid of fibrocystic breasts. Good Luck.

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