Thyroid Sufferers

For discussion of Chronic Diseases such as Obesity, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, etc.
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Post by Ariyon » Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:47 am

Wow, guys! Thanks for this. I'm new here. I have autoimmune Thyroid disease, but mine is in the form of HYPERTHYROID which REALLY elevates anxiety!! Does anyone out there have problems with hyperthyroid as I do?

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Post by mariv » Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:58 am

Hi I have Hypothyroidism since I was 22 now I am 37 years old I remember taking synthorid at first then my docotor said is ok to take lecothoxine same dose and I have been feeling ok just these year I started losing weight I lost 20 lbs. my thyroid got out of control so my docotr changed the dose I was taking and I guess becasue it has been some time I have been feeling depresed a lot of thinks happened to me this year that i wish it didn't happen thats why I order the program so hopefully i will feel better and for those of you who has my same problem just check your thyroid every six months and make sure you are taking the proper doseage of medication,

Paul R.
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Post by Paul R. » Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:39 am

right on, mariv.

i switched from synthroid 25 mcg to armour 15 mg, and it seems to be for the better thus far.

my mood and overall disposition seem much more positive and pleasant.

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Post by kiddie » Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:36 pm

hi my name is kory i had this problem to i your thyroid will do alot of thangs to you body and i mean alot but anyways i went to see a well none lady in cal. she put me on some thang to help my thyroid herbs it does work lots of my friends see her to about health problem but i no what you are going through

Paul R.
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Post by Paul R. » Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:45 am

well, got my test results back after having switched to armour 15 mg.

my TSH shot up to 4.4 after 1 month. prior to the switch, i was at 2.1 and prior to that i had been at 2.4.

in some ways i feel better since switching to armour from synthroid (emotions, positiveness, moods, etc), but i'm dragging some. i just seem to be more mentally fatigued.

my doctor wants to wait 2 months before retesting to see if any change for the better.

we also did a test on my testosterone and found it on the low end of normal.

i felt sort of crushed yesterday and luckily had to go to work where i could forget about it; but i keep hoping that this will go away; that somehow i will go into remission.

i know that it does happen for about 10% of the cases; but i also realize that 10% is nothing to bet on.

i came home, prayed, and talked with my wife and felt better. i guess my plan will be to try and gut it out to the first week of March, and see where i am at. i guess i can continue to really use the next 4-6 weeks to really see if exercise, selenium supplementation, prayer, relaxation, etc have any effect.

it just sucks to be feeling like this right now...

Paul R.
Posts: 79
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Post by Paul R. » Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:06 am

hello?....what happened to all of my thyroid peeps?

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Post by chrissytina » Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:00 pm

I was diagnosted with hypothyroidism after giving birth to my son two years ago. That is also when my anxiety went through the roof. I am on meds for my thyroid and the Dr.'s say my level are ok, but I am still experiencing anxiety. Is that normal?

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Post by Wolverine » Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:24 am

Chrissytina, It is normal. There is much to be said about the thyroid and how much it does for your body. If your doctor says your level is okay then your okay-if your not sure get a second opinion-if you do go to an endocrinologist especially if your current doctor is in internal medicine-both work the thyroid, but and endocrinologist is the specialist for thyroid. If your working the program it will help with your anxiety. We are just sensitive people to our body so when we notice any little thing our anxiety will start building but then when that happens don;t let it continue to build-one other thing: Only sometimes(not always) I would need a change in my thyroid dose and my anxiety would be up-so when my anxiety was up I knew my dose had to change-like I said sometimes it would be a tip off, not always. Hope this helps.-Wolverine

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Post by janji » Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:06 am

Hi: I am new here and just wanted to share my experiences with thyroid disease, which greatly added to my depression and stress. I was first treated in NJ by an internist who was arrogant, dismissive and rude. I should have moved on, but didn't. Instead of really focusing on my disease and all the stress and depression it was causing, she treated me like a hypochondriac and a pest. I moved to another state and found a new doctor. The first dr in NJ had so mishadled my disease that now surgery was the only option. The lobes of my thyroid had grown to the size of kidneys, it was an eight hour operaton. Within six months my thyroid was back, and big again. Another surgery, it grew back yet again, this time it took a month. I decided to go to the U of PA and found a dr who only treated graves disease, she got everything other control and then referred me to a doctor closer to home as it was a long, difficult trip to see her. The new dr immediately had radio active iodine administered, and that has been the end of my thyroid. She actually doesn't understand why that wasn't done in the first place, so that I didn't end up with huge lobes requiring surgery. However, through all of this, I had allergic reactions to some meds causing anaphalaxis, the doctors had a very hard time regulating the amount of thyroid med I needed, I had to take A LOT of steroids and put on an enormous amount of weight, and my depression and anxiety spirialed out of control. I also ended up with graves eye disease and will probably have eye surgery in the near future. If you don't get a satisfactory answer or feel you are not being treated well from day one, move on to another doctor, and too, your interist can start you on meds, but go to an endocrinologist.

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Post by Faith86 » Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:20 pm

About a year and a half ago, my doctor found a nodule on my thyroid. I have many small nodules and one that was fairly large, partly solid and partly cystic. They did fine needle aspiration to see if it was cancerous but they could not get enough cells to tell for sure...they said this was a good sign. They also did blood work and it came back normal, but since then my anxiety has really gotten bad. I think I have always had a little bit of anxiety but I never really noticed it until then. Even though the bloodwork came back normal...does anyone know if this nodule could be part of my anxiety issues? It could also just be that I'm worried about. Thank you so much!!

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