separating your disease from anxiety feelings

For discussion of Chronic Diseases such as Obesity, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, etc.
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Post by cole2458 » Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:34 am

I was diagnosed with neurocardiogenic syncope, a fainting disorder, 5 years ago and due to a whole host of complicated issues, am only now seriously dealing with it. For those who don't know, it's a condition where the majority of your blood pools in your feet-it doesn't flow correctly- and the lack of bloodflow to your head makes you dizzy and/or faint. This is particularly traumatic to me-after fainting several times in public places, I am agoraphobic, anticipating the next lapse of conciousness. My wonderful doctor has me trying a whole host of different medicines to help, but I can never tell if when I am not feeling well if it is anxiety or this condition.

How can you tell if what you're experiencing is a reaction to your "real" illness or to anxiety? This is becoming a really big problem for me and the only solution I've found is to hide under the covers and avoid it all :(
...and right when she thought the world was ending, the catepillar became a beautiful butterfly...


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:15 pm

I understand completely. I don't trust myself anymore. I can't tell the difference between anxiety and real symptoms anymore. I just ask my doctor. Unfortunately, I go to the doctor way too often.

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