A New Earth versus The Secret

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Post by Pyewackette » Sun May 11, 2008 3:17 pm

Okay I'm really big on both books, A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.
First with The Secret I actually grew up with the whole Law of Attraction principles due to having a really "with" it great-grandmother who was way ahead of her time. To a certain extent the LOA has worked for me on a small scale over the years, but then when the DVD came out and I watched it and also read the book, it made me want to really apply the principles in earnest. Even the manner in which I got the DVD could be considered LOA principles in action. I really, really wanted to get the DVD yet since I'm on SSI benefits just couldn't afford it, then one day an idea came to me..go to ebay....sure enough there were copies of it for a fraction of the cost and I won a copy.
Like as is suggested in The Secret one needs vision boards of cut up pictures of what one desires in life and I've been doing this for years as well..of course being a panic disorder person with agoraphobia, I have pictures of travel to suggest that one day I'll be rid of this stupid, and yes it's a stupid condition, and I WILL travel
I've even done a few articles that are published on the Associated Content about Law of Attraction, and even went a step further and did an article of how to make a computer virtual vision board

You can see them here
<A HREF="http://www.associatedcontent.com/articl ... ction.html" TARGET=_blank>Law Of Attraction Article</A>

<A HREF="http://www.associatedcontent.com/articl ... board.html" TARGET=_blank>Vision Board</A>

Now I'm also very much into A New Earth as well but feel a bit more conflicted. There are many concepts in that book that are similar to Law of Attraction and Tolle stresses to live in the NOW--that I can agree upon, but I'm a bit confused about the whole "EGO" thing he talks about..yes I do understand the principles...but it's almost like the suggestion is, is that it's wrong to strive for success and all the material things success can bestow a person..that, that is the ego at work...I mean is it wrong to want one's desires to manifest in one's life?

Okay...so what are your opinions of both books in general--do you "get it" or not? Do you feel the Law of Attraction can help one overcome panic issues? I haven't had a bonafide panic attack in years, and don't use medications for it..but I'm far from booking flight for a European trip or take a Mediterranean cruise..LOL :)
~~~All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.~~~ Gandalf to Frodo -- Lord of the Rings

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Post by penu » Fri May 23, 2008 5:55 pm


I had mixed feeligs while reading A New Earth however I really enjoyed The Power Of Now. I do believe in LOA and I also believe that You will truely get something out of both books "if" and only if you are ready to open your mind to something new.

I make a promise to myself to read a good SELF HELP book once or twice a month. I have pretty much managed a long battle with panic attacks and have been doing GREAT-for the last 8 years or so. Where I am now in my life is due to all those SELF HELP books,research,prayer,and practicing all that I have learned. I still feel anxiety however I use everything I have learned and it works. Due to the book THE POWER OF NOW I have learned something valuable to add to my life. This concept has been repeated to me over and over yet it hit home when I read the book "my thoughts" pretty much contol me-good or bad. I am learning to be quite and observe those negative thoughts and let them pass. Maybe I am just ready to learn this in more detail, at this time in my life, I don't know why I finally get it and I don't really care-I just feel content-peaceful.

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