Heartrate question

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Post by TracyRN » Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:51 am

I know that anxiety causes your heartrate to increase but mine only increases when I get up and walk a few feet I can get out of bed in the morning and walk to my bathroom (which is in my room - so its not that far of a walk) and my heartrate will be in the 120s-130s! Whats weird is that as soon as I sit down, my heartrate goes right back down to normal! My cardiologist says that all my tests (2 echos and holter monitor) are normal and that this is related to stress but I am having a hard time believing it! This has been going on for about a month now..... Anyone else heard of this?


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:01 pm

I have had similar episodes like this. My problem is I have panic disorder but I also have Grave's disease (hyperactive thyroid) so it's hard for me to differentiate my panic from sometimes my T3, T4 is high. Most of the time it's my panic. BUT I have had what you are saying while my hormones are normal. Ive learned to stop checking my heartrate if Im not having palpitations. My thinking now is, of course your heart rate is going to go up when you get out of bed first thing. You are standing up quick after having nothing to drink for 8 hours plus the stress of knowing you have to leave the house soon.

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Post by Crave » Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:20 pm

Do you know about how high yours would go? My not only does this in the morning but all day when I get up and move around. I know Im probably making it worse my constantly worrying about it but I cant help it. And all of my lab work has come back normal also so I know its not my thyroid. It just seems so odd to go up so high and then go right back down to normal as soon as I sit down. I also suffer with panic attacks and agoraphobia - I am afraid to drive by myself, ive had this before and it went away but now im back to not driving unless someone is with me and its really a pain in the butt.

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Post by KDlady » Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:57 pm

yeah, my heartrate goes up to 120-130. when my t3 is high I go up to 160. Ive realized that unless Im actually feeling my heart pounding it's not worth checking. It only makes it worse. Im still driving but I can't drive on any highways. I really need to get my butt back to the gym because working out and having my heart rate up from exercise makes it less scary when it happens outside of the gym. Sometimes when I first start the treadmill and feel my heartrate going up I get panicky and have to stop and do something else. I think being nurses we over analize everything. It probably always does that but only now are you noticing it because you are waiting for it to happen. Like you, I have had bouts where I couldnt drive myself but it always went away. It seems like everytime it comes back though, it comes back a little worse. It fluctuates too, sometimes I can't go to the mall but I can drive on the highway. Weird.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:16 pm

You have no idea how it makes me feel knowing that someone has this too! I feel like Im waiting for a heart attack to happen... My MD says that I need to exercise and I looked at him and asked if he was crazy! If my heart rate is 130 just from standing did he really think that I was going to get on a treadmill!!!


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:43 pm

some of us have what you have. i went to the dr. last month and before that i had a stress test and everything was fine. i did have a blockage in my hip that caused me leg to hurt when i walked and they put a stint in the other side but i went for a visit and they check my pulse and my heart was beating real fast. he is a cardologist and he did not seem worried. he know that i was taking xanax and welbution and i used to have panic attacks and anxiety real bad..but now i can go and do things i used to not be able to do when i lived in newport news va. we moved to n.c. and after that the panic and anxiety left after we got to a place where we could relax and feel comfortable..hope that helps you as well. i miss the races in richmond the most..but i am glad that where we live is in the country and we do not hear all the loud noises that the city have. take care and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR..may this be your year to shine..


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 2:16 pm

Can you tell me if your heart rate was going up daily with minimal exertion? And then goes back down right after you sit down? Where at in Newport News did you live?


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:59 pm

Ok, about a year and a half ago I had saw a lady die and then started having panic attacks about 3 weeks later. I was also going through many changes in my life and stress. I thought I had a heart issue. I wore holter monitors and other monitors for 2 months. I felt the same thing. i would just move and it would go up. I came to the realization that my doctor would not lie to me. I was so thoroughly checked out and am healthy as can be. As soon as I changed the thoughts, the OBSESSIVE worrying about the heart. It subsided. I even returned my exercise heart monitor so I would not look at it all the time. Change your thinking, it will go away. You CAN control it, YOU CAN CHANGE IT. QUIT OBSESSING and asking others about it. FOCUS on something else and positive. BELIEVE ME! I was so there like you and that has gone now! It is so wonderful!

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