im so upset, its bringing on my anxiety

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angela chriss
Posts: 39
Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:25 am

Post by angela chriss » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:12 pm

I just really need to vent, and im not sure how to stay calm?
i had heard rumors at my job, that my boss, doesnt like me, and how she doesnt want the new peope to talk to me cause i dont know how to do my job, and shes on her way out.
i work for a photography company that is a vendor in the hospitals that takes all the newborn babies pictures.
anyhow, i called her up today and left her a voice mail, indicating the rumors i heard, she denied everything and said, if i wanted to fire you i would of done it along time ago, i said on what grounds?
she said, your super negative, and you bring everyone down around you, and i dont want you training anyone, cause your bad at selling. i said then why wasnt this brought to my attention. why am i just hearing about it now, i been with the company since May of 2007. i got along with all my associates, and nurse's and housekeepers. and patients.
she kept going on and on how im just this bad employee, and i said, then why am i still here? she couldnt asnwer, she said, well if you just shut up, and stop being so defensive, and playing a victim, you could hear me, i told her not to talk to me like that cause its rude. she didnt care
long story short, i wanna quit, i was thinking about it, but i felt i needed it cause it worked great with my school schedule. the pay was not good. but i feel like this is my que to leave.. but i didnt want to let her get to me. but she did. now i have chest pains again, which were gone for a good 2wks. i was doing good. physically and mentally, but now,shes pissed me off,

im debating on going into work, givin my 2wks, or just quiting, and not going in at all.
im upset,and my anxiety is kicking in,

sorry for rambling, but i hope there is someone that can lend an ear. and some advice

"when u know better, u do better"


Post by Guest » Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:38 am

Hi Angela Chriss....sorry to hear about this situation your dealing with. Try and stay calm. You don't want to do or say anything that will place you in a position of insubordination towards here cause then she'll have some ground to discipline you. I don't know that your boss has much to stand on as it is. Have you been disciplined prior to this meeting that you had with her? Or had you had any other issues discussed with you prior? It didn't sound like it to me but I didn't want to jump to conclusions. If the pay isn't that great and your boss is acting this way towards you, I would perhaps look to pursue something else. She doesn't sound very supportive at all. I know you mention the job works with your school schedule but I've always thought that no job is really worth the price of my health. I would HATE to be employed at a place that did not appreciate my skills and that I didn't like to be at. If it's just this one person then it's time to soul search to see if it's worth staying. Just make sure you have a plan lined up economically. Our bills keep coming and we've got to pay them. Do you have other job options? Keep a smile as best you can...and remember to just do your job to the best of your ability.

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Joined: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:18 pm

Post by char-lee » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:07 pm

HI Angela

Does your boss have a boss? If so I would recommend that you seek her/him out and let them know how she has treated you. However in my opinion if this is the way you are treated in this disrespectful manner I would say definetly seek other options. A person likes to feel needed and appreciated in whatever career path is chosen, good luck hun!!


Post by Guest » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:16 pm

Hi Angela, if that picture in the profile is you, there is a good possibility that your boss is jealous of your good looks. It happens. Your boss is just insecure.

Posts: 310
Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:27 pm

Post by Gman5256 » Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:44 pm

Joe, i did my best to stay calm, honestly, before all this happened, she approached the subject with me being late, and to inform me i needed to bring my sales up. (months ago). i havent heard from her since, and if i did it was just random stuff. as of today, the 15th, i went into work with the itentions of putting my 2wk notice. but soon as i got there, she was asking me where certain orders were, cause apparently they have not receieved 2 customers money orders. out of 9 months working there. all of a sudden, payments are missing, and she asked me to show my receipts to clear my name, and of course i had my receipts still and it showed i did not receieve a payment for either patient. then she said " oh i was just making sure".
anyhow, to answer your guy's question, Joe, blueskies, and maestoso, I quit my job, i walked in turned in my badge, and my smock, and said, thanks anyways, goodbye.
i felt uncomfortable. my head was throbbing, with a heat rush to my head, and my heart was racing and i felt light headed. i stormed out, cause of my anxiety, soon as i got to the parking. lot, i felt soo releived. and felt a big gasp of air release. as i look at it now and i had some time to think, which is not always good. but if anything, she did me favor, dont get me wrong, i still feel anger, but what i mean, is that, i wasnt happy there anymore, and i felt i couldnt leave. one thing lucinda mentions is that,when u feel like quitting, dont, cause its not the job, its you, wait til you know or sure. well i was debating what i needed to do. but all in all, i feel so much better today. instead of feeling bad. i went out today with my sister, and celebrated, i treated myself and her and my niece to a great lunch, then we went to the mall and i bought 2 new blouses. i felt good to treat myself, and not think about my job or money.
but thank you, you guys. and yes MAESTOSO29, that is me in my picture, your funny.
All for His praise, glory and the joy it gives Him.

Hugs, In His Love >:D<

"He who dwells in the secret place of the most
high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty"

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