No choice, forced to face fear. HELP!!!

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lost but lookin
Posts: 22
Joined: Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:48 pm

Post by lost but lookin » Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:49 am

I have not had to drive. My daughters boyfriend has been picking my son up afterschool. His school schedule has now changed and he gets out at a later time. Now I have no choice I have to pick up my son. I am anxious just thinking about it how am I going to do this? I get extreme anxiety just getting ready to get in the car. I just do not think I can do this. How do I get through this and face my responsibility to pick up my child?


Post by Guest » Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:01 am

Hi Lost,

I feel for you! It is amazing how debilitating all of these fears can be..

I would suggest reading from Panic to Power. It talks about stepping through that 'anticipatory anxiety wall' It is extremely helpful! It is so important to not dwell on it.. dont make the cycle worse, break that viscious cycle- you control your thoughts and your anxiety.. dont forget that! work that positive self talk and put one foot in front of the other right through that wall of anxiety.. I have found positive what ifing is soooo helpful for example:

what if I pick up my son and he is so happy to see me it is all worth it!

what if I meet another mother at the school and she tells me how wonderful my son is, and I am so proud!

what if I enjoy the trip?

what if my son enjoys spending the time with me?

what if I enjoy seeing him so much, I forget all together I am driving?

It is tough but totally works!

Please keep us posted and have faith in yourself! figure out what you feel anxious about and start the positive self talk from there!

Keep working the program!

Best wishes!


Post by Guest » Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:09 am

Hi Lost,

Like you, I've been in situations where I had to leave my comfort zone. Look at it as an opportunity to push past your limits and accomplish something for yourself.

What I would do is to break down the journey into smaller chunks of achievable milestones to reach. For example, the first leg could be to get into your vehicle, start it then make it out of your neighborhood. If you can do that then you can make it through the next segment until you reach where your child is. From there, you are half way done with the journey and the rest is simply going back home.

Practice the slow breathing techniques and think only positively of yourself for doing something beyond your comfort zone. Once you complete one segment of the journey, congratulate yourself- you are doing it! Take a program tape/cd with you and listen to it for a distraction. Use self-talk to get yourself from one point to the next. Nothing is more important than reaching your target- focus like a laser beam on doing each part of the trip to get your son.

Don't be in any hurry- take it slow and try to actually enjoy it. Think of when you complete this how you will feel. Anxiety is just a small speed bump in the road. Just run it over and keep on moving on. Let us know how you do ;)

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