Sleep Affirmations

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Post by monica12579 » Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:58 am

Hi everyone....
I know I have been busy with forums today but I really feel like I get alot of help here.

I have been having trouble with sleep...I get sleepy and when I go to lay down in bed, I start thinking "OMG, what if I can't fall asleep? What if I'm awake the whole night? Oh no, there goes that nervous feeling again....Oh God look at the time...I'm going to be exhausted for work and everything else...What if I can't sleep ever again? What if I don't sleep ever again and go into complete panic or depression because I'm not getting any sleep?!!"
And the thoughts go on over and over and I'm to the point that I'm sitting on my couch trying to figure out what to do with myself next....UGHHHHHHHHH!

I want to write some sleep affirmations, but I am having a REALLY HARD TIME...I figured that would be a good way to start to get back on track with sleeping......PLEASE HELP...

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Post by Shalini » Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:13 am

i do allot of self talk..through out the day I tell myself I'm going to sleep well, I love my bed, my bed is so comfortable , and 'm going to hit the pillow and fall right to sleep. Once I'm in bed i breath and relax and move nice and sudden jerks. I made my room a sanctuary I arrive into and tell myself this is my comfortable and happy room. I found it helped. not on any meds either

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Post by bna » Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:20 am

Hello Monica
Here a couple of recommedations I use every night before bed. My rountine involves spending some time journaling my anxiety/panic attacks to put it down on paper and help me see it in a different light. I also spend several mintues writing down my accomplishments/blessings from my day. I also spend several mintues writing down my worries and a plan to address it. I also write down my worries and concerns on a slip a paper and offer them up to God. This way I feel I am ending my day on a good note. It may seem like alot of writing but it really isn't. It's probably 15-20 mintues. But it's a great day to destress from your day.

I try not to watch anything disturbing or the news before bed because I will be up all night tossing and turning. I then before bed review my affirmations/favorite quotes just before bed and it helps me to be in a good mind set as I fall off to sleep.

If I do end up waking I try to tell myself it's no big deal. I will sleep when my body needs to. I keep a few uplifting books beside my bed and I try to read until I get sleepy.

I hope this helps, take care and God Bless.

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Post by Angla » Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:46 am

Hi I sure hear where you are coming from. I too have difficulty sleeping and I feel there have been some wonderful ideas on this forum for you to take, just thought I would share mine. I listen to the relaxation tape over and over as I try to go to sleep. Lucindas voice to me is very soothing, maybe because I know she has been here and knows what she is talking about, but it really seems to help me. I too keep word searches and good books to read by my bed also.
I hope this helps some. I wish you the best
Your Friend

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Post by HeatherRDJ » Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:09 am

One trick I've used since I was a little kid is daydream in your head while you trying to fall asleep. Make up a movie, generally something completely never gonna happen, like meeting a favorite celebrity, marrying a prince, etc. Kind of a pre-dream, I guess. It generally works and focuses your mind on something else.

Peace 1
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Post by Peace 1 » Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:19 am

Dear Monica. You sound exactly like me.
I started out with affirmations but instead found a 'thought record'. This has not cured me completely but has really helped (I'm only into the 4th day). To be honest before I filled it out I really didn't know what i was afraid of until I filled it out. I fill it out 2x a day
and apparently you need to keep doing it. Over time it will change and become less scary for you. When I go to bed I feel much clearer and not so obsessed with those thoughts. I realized I had a lot of irrational over-perfectionistic stuck thoughts .

If you make a table:
1st Column: Feeling (ie. racing heart, dizziness)

2nd Column: Negative Thought
(ie. what if I have a panic attack and then I can't sleep?)

3rd Column: Support for Negative Thought
(ie adrenalin makes one alert)

4th Column: Rational Thought (An Opposite to the Neg. Thought.. you don't necessarily need to believe it now)
(ie. It's ok to be anxious. A racing heart can't hurt me. Compare it to how I ignore it after I exercise. It is normal, it's harmless so I ignore it. It goes away. I choose to stay calm and relaxed and it will pass. I am just fine. I can cope.

5th Column: Support for Rational Thought
(I have had panic attacks and haven't slept for a long while and I am still alive and well, so therefore I know these are harmless. Because they are nothing to worry about I will just ignore them and they will go away and I will fall asleep. I have been doing this the last few days and I have experienced that this is true.

6th Column: Percentage on how much you believe Rational Thought
(ie. 65 %)

I too had a fear of what if I had forgotten to fall asleep ? I realized this was so irrational later on when the fog lifted enough. When your mind is exhausted you get confused and when you are sleep deprived it is so natural.It is also very scary. I wrote the truth to the lie down one day so I wouldn't forget. I didn't want myself to believe that this was another battle I also needed to overcome. The reason why you can't sleep is simply because you are worrying and anxious about it and the panic attacks. If you did not think about this, you would fall asleep. Trust me this is the truth.

I really like BNA's response to you, it is very good. I think writing is the key . Since doing the 'Thought Records' along with reading scriptures on the Love of God in the Bible (I also have Joyce Meyer's little scripture book called "Healing for the Broken Hearted") my mind is a lot more clear and stable.. not so racy and scared.

I really like Angie's response too as I think that could be very helpful to calm and soothe. I have yet to try the relaxation tape at night but would like to.

God Bless, Peace 1

Peace 1
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Post by Peace 1 » Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:35 am

Dear Monica.
One more thing you might try. This might
help a lot too. When you find yourself
getting anxious and worrying write an anwer to these questions:

What is the worst that could happen?
If that was to happen, what would happen then?
Then what would happen, (repeat a few times)
Even if all this were to happen would I, or anyone else I'm worrying about, still be alive?
Would you ever be able to smile or laugh again?

Regards, Peace 1

Jim Mitchell
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Post by Jim Mitchell » Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:33 am

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Post by monica12579 » Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:00 am

Thank you all soooooooo much for your advice. I really do appreciate....I will definitely take ideas from all and try to see what works best for me....Again THANK YOU......

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Post by fischee » Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:28 am

Thanks, Jim- this is an interesting nd helpful site.

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