My 'What if's'...

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Post by spunkylaydee » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:41 am

I read about stuff and then think I've got it! Like diabetes, multiple sclerosis... Like I read about multiple sclerosis how it can affect young women, I then convinced myself I had it. So then whenever I spoke or moved I'd notice it a whole lot more, and get all anxious about the way we move or talk, and if I so much as stutter I get realllyy anxious.
I get anxious that I'll lose my mind and forget who I am, or not be able to cope.
I'm actually doing ok at the mo! But just wanted some reassurance from ANYONE about some of my what if's. Are they quite normal? Well, as NORMAL as anxiety can be! :)
I would really appreciate someone agreeing!! I've been on here before and you guys have helped me so much already!
God bless you all, Hannah

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Post by SeaRunner » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:45 am

Multiple Sclerosis was the big one for me too! I had really shaky hands and twitches and I convinced myself that was what I had.

Here's a funny (OK - not HILARIOUS funny, but you'll appreciate it nonetheless! :) ) thing...when I realized that I was drinking a LOT of coffee and cut it back slowly over the past 4 weeks...the shaking stopped. :) Go figure.

Anyhow - I don't think your fear is's just equally unreasonable and a self-scare thing like many of the rest of us do!

Hang in there!

Best wishes,
"Common things occur commonly. Uncommon things don't. Therefore, when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras." -- C.J. Peters


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:47 am

Thank you so much Dawn! I REALLY appreciate it!! It reminds me I'm not THAT strange!!
I love your quote by the way! :)


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:54 am

Nope, you're not strange! Ha ha.

And, hey, if we weren't all a little strange we'd be pretty boring, huh? :)

Have a great day!



Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:18 am

Hi all-
I just want you all to know, I had the same fear of MS....Went to a neurologist and everyhthing, they saw no signs, but still I was convinced. You do not have MS.....My husband 42 years of age has MS and It is a lot different from our fear of it! Quit looking up illnesses, I did and at times still do because I obssess about ever illness possible including paranoia, schitzophrenia, you name it, I think I have it! Yikes, it's scary, but reading other illnesses made my OCD worse....I obsess now about hurting myself, ONLY because I read about medications, so I then go into, WHAT IF I HURT MYSELFF, OMG WHAT IF I COMMIT SUICIDE, and that is something I do not ever want to do......Please take my advice and do your best not to look up things on-line! It's hard because we obsess about it, but there are so many condtions that have similar symptoms....WE HAVE ANXIETY! WE ARE NOT STRANGE, well maybe a little ;)but in a good way!


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:42 am

I'm sorry about your husband, your fear was perfectly justified in that instance. I'm glad you went to a neurologist and are ok!
You're absolutely right, I do need to stop looking up illnesses!!
I convinced myself I had HIV last month and got so wound up by it, I simply couldn't convince myself I didn't have it!!
Deep down I know I'm healthy and I'm a sporty thing, my problem is that recently I haven't been doing as much sport coz I was ill. I think this is a huge part of my anxiety! Sport gives me my confidence, so am starting to do more now!
Thanks for the advice, it means a lot!!! :)


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:05 am

I too worry about MS, I know that I worry because my grandmother died of it in her 50's and my dad suffered the loss of his mother in his teens. So it gives me lingering thoughts that it could be genetic. And with my anxiety disorder I can give myself any symptom. So I think that we all suffer from this, so I do not allow myself to self diagnose at all anymore. And it seems to help a lot. I always look at the human body as a extremly complex machine and often our body's are going to do wierd things and that is normal. Sometimes what I do to help me is I listen to my wifes heart and notice the change in tempo of the beats, it speeds a little, slows a little, beats a little harder. But she does not suffer from anxiety so she does not notice it. Every time my heart changes a little I notice it. So I use knowing that her heart changes to relax myself telling myself it is normal. I hope this was not to confusing.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:12 am

Jason! I do the same thing! I was so worried about my irregular beats (Particularly after sporting activities) I saw a cardiologist. Had so many tests but I came out fine.
One training session I noticed on my gymnastics partner you could see his heartbeat in his stomach. I thought this was jus unique and wierd to me. I also noticed it changed, and it relaxed me a lot!
You're right the body is a complex system, I think I'll use that in my self-talk in future :)

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