Could this be more than anxiety?

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Post by JonesyAZ » Wed May 06, 2009 12:14 pm

First of all, I have to thank everyone who has been a great help to me thus far on this website! I have had a very odd year in regards to symptoms and they seem to always be changing! I have seen a cardiologist and he has cleared me of any concern. Also, my bloodwork levels are better than normal in regard to cholesterol and triglycerides and C-Reactive proteins.

But, the fact is that I still have been having symptoms that don't seem to go away. They are as follows:

- Constant tickle in my throat; makes me feel the need to cough
- Shortness of breath, usually at rest
- What feels like a slight pressure between my neck and collar bones; maybe around the breastbone area
- Skipping heartbeats when I lie down on my back; sometimes when I sit at my computer or kneel down
- Tendency for my feet and/or limbs to go to sleep if I am in one sitting position for too long

I have been told that because the cardiologist has cleared me of any heart issue (via stress echo, EKG, ECG, blood work, etc.) that I should not worry about my heart.

What else could be wrong though? Or is all this truly a manifestation of stress and/or anxiety?

The one thing I haven't looked at is if I am having thyroid issues. My mother has hyperthyroidism. But I am only 30 years old?

Also, because I had a chest x-ray and the doctor found nothing in my chest in regards to heart or lung issues, should I also rule out that my lungs are okay too?

Thank you so much for allowing me to use this forum as a tool for continued healing :)


Post by Guest » Wed May 06, 2009 2:03 pm

Sure sounds like allergies and a big dose of anxiety to me!!!

Anytime your sinuses drain, you will feel a tickling in your throat, and the rest of the symptoms sure sound like anxiety symptoms...

I have been short of breath many times with anxiety. I did that one on and off, for years!!!

I think since you have been tested, then, it is time to believe the doctors. Trust what they are saying to you!!!!

I think you are spending too much time "obsessing" about your health. If you were seriously ill, believe me, you would know it, and not have to ask anyone!!!!

So, focus on getting that anxiety level down, and watch as your symptoms subside!!!! God Bless

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Post by Footprints18 » Wed May 06, 2009 2:11 pm

:)Hi Jones,
I believe you should have your thyroid checked immidiately since so much depends on it.

Make sure they do a thourough exam both for F3 and F4. F4 is seldom done because doctors don't think it's necessary.

Barb G.
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Post by Barb G. » Wed May 06, 2009 2:36 pm

I have these symptoms except for the first and the last. When you add the first, I would strongly suspect your symptoms have to do with acid reflux. My mother-in-law had the cough and shortness of breath, she was misdiagnosed with emphysema... turned out it was all reflux! They have better diagnostic tools now for it.

It's of course not uncommon to have this combined with anxiety... but see if your doctor can put you on a prescription antacid for a little while to see if it goes away, or even try some OTC stuff. I have had great results with the softchew Rolaids (yumma vanilla or cherry flavors!) and Nexium as my Rx. I'm much better these days thanks to a diet I'm following.

I absolutely agree that you should get your thyroid tested, as well.

Good luck!


Post by Guest » Wed May 06, 2009 2:40 pm

ive had shortness o breath with reflux the doc put me on prilosec and it helps a bit but i think its mostly anxiety

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Post by derfy » Wed May 06, 2009 3:50 pm

My hubby has an hiental hernia and he takes prilosec, also...

You could have acid reflux or a hernia...

My hubby would get anxiety attacks from the hernia before he found out what it was. He thought he was having heart attacks...Now, he is fine!!!

He says to this day that stomach problems gives one panic attacks..LOL..

I am sure that the limbs going to sleep thing is anxiety, since, I have done this one so many times!!!
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves...
who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?
Actually, who are we not to be? --Unknown


Post by Guest » Fri May 08, 2009 6:21 am

I really want to believe that it's my anxiety, but the fact is, I haven't had a full-blown "panic attack" in months. It really scares me because it seems like lately i've been getting light-headed when lifting boxes. I've even noticed the skipping heart beats when I lift! Also, the shortness of breath and the tickle in my throat gets worse after working out too. But I don't know if it's because i'm thinking about it often? Is it the thoughts before the symptoms, or has my body been creating the anxiety?

Also, it really pisses me off when I read about how all these people still die of heart disease when they're told they're healthy. Why the hell are people still dying of this disease? Is it really possible that my head has created every one of these symptoms? Or is it possible that even after being told that my EKG was normal, my echo test was normal, my stress-echo was normal, my LDL was really low, my HDL is over 50, my triglycerides are low, and i'm normal weight (not obese), AND have no family history of heart disease except for my father recently having a 90% blockage (he's smoked packs a day for 40+ years)...that I could STILL have heart disease and the doctor's just don't care to look? I feel like I need to get a nuclear test, or something where I can look inside my arteries just to make sure there aren't blockages. But online materials STILL say even with not seeing a blockage, you could STILL have a heart attack!!!!!!!!!!!

I just want to put my mind at ease and BELIEVE that i'm healthy!

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Post by R.T.E. » Fri May 08, 2009 2:00 pm

Personally, I think you are obssessing over the thought of "what if"? I am guilty myself, as are so many others.

Sure, the reality is, people that are in perfect shape can still suffer a heart attack. The heart, like any other organ, can go awry at anytime for a million reasons. This is a reality that we have to accept and not obssess over. If I PAY ATTENTION to my heart, I feel every PVC, flutter and fluctuation is my heart rate... when I don't, I don't notice them. By the way, PVC's and flutters are completely normal. We, with anxiety and panic, notice them more because we are constantly in tune and WAITING for them to happen.

If it would make you feel better, ask your physician for a Thyroid Panel, which includes the T3, T4, T4 uptake, and FSH. I can tell you from working in the medical field as an RN, thyroid issues are of a much HIGHER incidence in women. But, to put your mind at ease, ask your doctor.

What WE, as sufferers of anxiety and panic, need to learn to redirect our thoughts AWAY from our bodies and the "what if's"! I know, it is so very difficult. All we can do is try and put forth effort, learn and practice the tools to change our way of thinking, and LIVE!

I wish you the best. Considering your age and the lack of any significant findings or risk factors, I wouldn't worry. I know, easier said than done.

Best wishes to you.


Post by Guest » Sat May 09, 2009 2:33 pm


What you describe, still fits with acid reflux. It does get worse when you exercise or bend over (lifting boxes), and it can make you light-headed. It can even give you a headache or neck pain!

Try to take antacids and see if it helps. You may need more than you think.


Post by Guest » Tue May 12, 2009 3:15 pm

You guys n' gals are truly angels...thank you for your help!

I am actually getting a holter monitor on Thursday because the cardiologist wants to see if he can find a cause for the skipped beats...or to at least see the frequency.

But the fact is...if I haven't had ANY family history thus far of heart disease (with the exception of my dad recently, who is a HUGE smoker), and if the doctors have not had any reason to suspect heart disease, and it's only been ME whose ever had the idea...

is it a good chance that I won't have a heart attack in this life?

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