The Mailbox

Comments and inquiries to share with others. (Questions for Staff can be posted below.)
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Posts: 12
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:00 pm

Post by TDub » Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:11 pm

O.K. Here's a question that I've been absolutely wanting to ask of other people for so long; but until I got the program and found these forums, I was too embarrassed to ask anyone.
Does anyone else have a deep-seated fear of going to the mailbox and getting the mail? I don't fear going outside, I don't fear walking to the mailbox--I guess I fear what I'll FIND in the mail. Some horrific bill or something else bad, you know? And I know (in my logical mind) that is the DUMBEST thing probably to be afraid of, but still... I think it started when I lost my part-time job because the economy tanked (which immediately took a $500 a month bite out of my budget). Still had my full-time job, but things got pretty bad and very tight for quite some time. And even though budget-wise, things are looking up, I STILL cannot bring myself for days to go and get the mail! I know that by working the program and talking to myself, etc., I'll be able to get over it. But I just wanted to know--has ANYONE else ever had anything similar to this? I'm just curious... or is it just me?

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