What has been the hardest lesson? That you overcame anyway?

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Post by BethDyess » Sat Jan 16, 2010 10:01 am

The hardest lesson to date for me was the one where the woman said she had a heart atatck. But i have been able to overcome the fear of heart attacks.

I feel like I can actually go and exercise once again. I used to sit ont he couch and wish I could move and do things. So scared my heart would just stop. But Now I am facing those fears and finding out that my fears were really not worthy of my time.

Mrs Bones helped me so much. She said to write down the things we were scared of. Then studying by possibility and reality. I did that.

I found out that most of my fears were and or are unable to be proven due the passed results.

For example the feeling of numbness in the arms used to scare me alot. But after having that several times and not fainting I have realized that my fear of fainting during that time is really impossible.

The next session i feel might be a bit hard for me is learning to be assertive:) It will be exciting to see what changes come from this session though.


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 16, 2010 10:09 am

Good for you Beth!! Sounds like you are making solid progress. Give yourself a big pat on the back and keep up the good work.

You definitely sound like you are on the right path to recovery and that is exciting, isn't it?


Post by Guest » Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:16 pm

It is very exciting...


Post by Guest » Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:16 pm

My best friend passed away on the 6th. I held it together way better than I thought. But it's all sinking in and I feel like I'm slipping again. Really worried about relapsing. On meds and in therapy...doing the program too. But, still feeling the anxiety coming back.

Star Woman


Post by Guest » Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:58 am

Thats awesome Beth!

I remember my hardest lesson was " Go out and feel the fear and do it anyway"

My biggest fear was panic attacks. I would have panic attacks about panic attacks. But I eventually went out there felt the fear little by little and worked through it


Post by Guest » Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:04 am

Star Woman,

My heart goes out to you and I pray for your strength in these times. A lot of us have anxiety about irrational things. Here you are having anxiety about something real. There is no time frame or guidelines for how to cope with a loss of life. But don't worry about relapse or beat yourself up about having anxiety given the situation. Take care of yourself and allow yourself to get out of it when you are ready to get out of it regardless of how long it takes.

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