coaching program

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Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:39 pm

Post by colleenf » Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:06 am

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to tell you about my experience with the coaching program in case anyone is thinking about it. Last winter my panic attacks were really bad so I bought the program I dedicated my days to this program and it did help but I am talking I spent over 50 % of my day on it. I finished the program but was going through some health issues that really set my anxiety over the edge so out of desperation I signed up for the coaching program. I knew it was out of my reach expense wise but my mind was not clear and I was desperate for help.
SO I started to work with my coach ( who was wonderful) but in the end I ended up in the hospital for 8 days because I just could not take the anxiety and depression. Through this i started working with a phycritrist and had a team of doctor's, I started medication and now I know what really living my life again is like. The medication stopped my anxiety enough that my head is clearer to really start pinpointing what caused me to get here. My docotr's though all told me to only work with one doctor because I was so ovrwhelmed and it can get confusing working with 2 different people. So long story short I asked to stop my payments because I had not used it I don't even think half of my sessions and I have 6 kids and very finacially stressed and I could not use this program anyway. I have already paid for what I used and I thought a company dealing with this would be more understanding but no in the end they stopped them for 2 months but I have to now continue to pay for the rest of the $2000.00 that I can't use and I even offered to return the coaching manual but NO and the person I dealt with was not at all nice about any of it. So I understand they need to make money but in this case I am paying for a program not a product that I will never use and cannot afford. It was even suggested that maybe my doctor's were wrong and if we are finacially hurt maybe my Husband should go on unemployment ( can you imagine) anyway I have extreme respect for my coach but not the company at this point. as my money was yet again deducted today now i can scramble to borrow money for food for the kids. anyway just had to vent!

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