Antidepressant side effects

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Antidepressant side effects

Post by joe67 » Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:53 am

I have been tried on various anti depressants but quit them because of the side effects. Should I try to stuggle through the side effects or look for a drug free cure ? The one I am on now is Wellbutrine. I am dizzy and stagger around when walking some times. I seem to have more anxiety now than before I started taking them. What should I do?

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Re: Antidepressant side effects

Post by pettygil » Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:02 pm

I think this has to be a personal choice,but do know there is also herbal stuff, though some of that can cause side effects to, but prob not as bad, unless you had a sever reaction to it. If you want to try herbal, you could ask your doctor, or go to an herbal doctor, cause some of those people that run herbal shops, think it's all good, and its not always the case. I still think the side effects are not as bad. But i know what you mean about side effects..I seen stuff and hear voices on some of it, and it really scared me. If you are having all these problems, you should stop taking the meds and go tell your doctor. I know when I took Effexor, man did I get told me to keep taking it..I didn't. I knew what was best that time. Sometimes you gotta keep trying pills, to you find something you can take, but if you are uncomfortable with that, then don't do it. I know it's hard, esp when you suffer from panic, and want to take something for it. I find that xnax works for me, but then I don't know if it would work for you, but it sure clams me down, so does ativan, and I can't take too much myself. I have to be careful..I am allergic to a lot of pills, this list is long, for me.

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Re: Antidepressant side effects

Post by KAMO » Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:27 pm

You may just have to keep switching medications until you find what works best for you. I've been on Xanax, then started having to take more and more of it, then Zoloft, which made my anxiety attacks worse and more frequent, now I'm on Clonzapam, which makes me sleepy, but I only take 1/2 of a .05 mil. pill at night. If I need something during the day, I just take 1/4 of a pill and feel fine soon after.

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Re: Antidepressant side effects

Post by SoWhatif » Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:55 am

I think we must find the why of our anxst and deal with that and the other stuff will fall into place. Drugs can help but when it comes to AD they just numb the reality and fuzzy some things more. It took us along time to get to where we are in our ruts so it will take time and energy to get out of the ditch and back on firm terra firma. Find someone who will guide you where to dig for the roots of the funk. Then one can dig ones self out of the hole instead of diggingourselves deeper. To me AD"S ARE JUST A BANDAID AND THE WOUND IS STILL THERE AND MUST BE DEALT WITH OR THE INFECTION WILL TAKE US DOWN AND OUT.

First thing I would suggest is a nutrishionalist and some exercise that raises the heart rate daily.


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Re: Antidepressant side effects

Post by braveironwill » Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:34 am

I have tried all the anxiety meds and I'm either allergic or can't tolerate them so I've not taken anything for my anxiety for about 7 years now. I just have to deal with it. Doesn't mean you are the same. I do agree with "sowhatif" - have to find the issue and not cover it up. Be careful of holistic doctors, I had a quack and paid a lot because I don't have insurance and he really messed me up to where I can't eat anything. I have been slowly after a year and a half adding foods back into my diet. There are holistic things - herbals that you could try but you have to be clear of your meds for 2 weeks. Kava Kava is a good one. Check with your doctor but realize that modern medicine usually doesn't have a clue to holistic and herbals and they get kick backs usually from pharmaceuticals. If you can look up a holistic doctor. Also, I have found that going to my chiropractor and getting adjusted along with electronic acupuncture really helps me and my anxiety as well as other things. I am now using a product called LifeWave my chiropractor introduced me to. She knows the struggles I have with IBS, Anxiety and panic issues and not being able to take anything. I use the patches and they have really helped with my anxiety. It has also relieved my Fibromyalgia pain which couldn't be done with medications. I also research everything! Especially before I take anything or do anything and I run it by my doctor. Hope this helps.

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