Bloat, gas, heartburn & gurgling

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Bloat, gas, heartburn & gurgling

Post by Duke45 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:16 am

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced what I'm dealing with. I pretty much stay bloated or gassy 24/7. I was diagnosed with GERD several years ago and have been on Nexium for years. The heartburn and stuff is bad enough, but the main issue I have now is this tense feeling at the top of my stomach. Like just below the rib cage, dead center. It's not exactly pain, just an awful tensed up feeling. Sometimes it's hard to walk without leaning forward. This tension makes me feel smothery and pretty panicky. I also have a gurgling stomach with occasional cramping or nausea. It really doesn't matter what I eat. I've changed diets trying to relieve it, but have had no luck. I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy and everything was fine. Had my gallbladder removed a month ago, which is what docs blamed all my symptoms on. But the symptoms remain. I have very bad anxiety and have been agoraphobic for 10 years. Is my problem still just anxiety or should I be alarmed? Just want to know if this is another trick of anxiety and if anyone has been through this. Thanks

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Re: Bloat, gas, heartburn & gurgling

Post by lulu42983 » Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:45 pm

Hi, I just logged on today for the first time today so this is new to me but saw your post. I experience a lot of what you do. I have had the same tests done, tried different medications and still have stomach problems. I feel that is what has brought on this anxiety and wish it would go away. I get nervous now eating out at restaurants because I'm worried how I will feel. Just this past week I was super nauseous 2 or 3 days in a row. I don't have any cure for this but just wanted to write you and tell you that you are not alone. Finally, someone who knows how I feel and what I experience almost every day! Thanks for sharing and hope this goes away for you!

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Re: Bloat, gas, heartburn & gurgling

Post by CourageousKris » Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:35 pm

How awful for you! I too have had a lot of digestive system issues my whole life. I went to see a nutritional therapist and did lots of research on my own. Gas, belching, bloating and pain in stomach can all be indicators that you're not digesting your food properly....very slowly, or not at all. I found through some research and talking to lots of people that many times this is due to lack of digestive enzymes in the small intestine and hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The nexium is probably not helping that much. Also I know that probiotics are very helpful in resolving the gas issue.
Of course every body is different with different history and environment and level of function. Try looking outside mainstream medical community and see what you can find to help you. Just be careful. Ask around and get referrals.
Best of luck...hope some of this helps.

(ps: Of course the anxiety doesn't help with digestion, as it give you "nervous stomach" and all but stops the digestive progress.)

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Re: Bloat, gas, heartburn & gurgling

Post by samcat » Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:48 pm

I have the same issues and cannot tolerate PPI's and after almost 2 years on Pepcid, it was making me worse. So I did some looking around like the last person who posted. Ginger tea really helps me with the feelings of nausea and stomach pain. Chamomile tea is supposed to help too and a woman at Whole Foods told me to try chamomile/lavender tea for a nervous stomach. I have also started using deglycerrized licorice to coat my stomach and hopefully relieve what I think is gastritis. It seems to help so far. Am having a colonoscopy and endoscopy in two weeks--oh what fun that will be!!

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