Taking the first steps to tackling anxiety

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Taking the first steps to tackling anxiety

Post by AshleyZ » Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:56 pm

Hi there,

I have a question. WHen you first began to counter your thoughts or knew that was the step you needed to do but hadn't done it before, did you panic about even countering them? I have been living with anxiety disorder for about 5 years and had no idea what it was so i got quite used to it. Now I realize after speaking with a counselor and others who suffered with anxiety that I needed to start changing my thoughts in order to get full recovery. Everytime I try to, or even try to think of doing it, I panic and feel crazy and almost impulsive that I want to avoid it, like the fear in general returns. Is this normal? Also I feel so powerless when I do try and feel its not making a difference because I 'feel' the fear so strongly still and I just end up panicking more. Is this normal at first? Does it get better? How can I begin to overcome the huge fear and trouble with these first steps?

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Re: Taking the first steps to tackling anxiety

Post by Paisleegreen » Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:51 pm

This is very normal! You can do it! Just take Baby Steps...itsy bitsy Baby Steps. I'm on antibiotics for a sinus infection and they give me anxiety feelings or symptoms. I do not like it one bit, but I still have 5 more days to go. Ugh. :roll: Just when I was doing without any medication for anxiety or depression, the antibiotics is reving up my body and giving me jittery feelings.

I so far have dealt with them and haven't needed to take a Xanax or even a little nibble. I'm also not very productive, but I should rest. I'm not totally unproductive, I just have more things I want to accomplish and this illness is slowing me down. :mrgreen:

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