Panic over clutter

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struggling Christian
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Post by struggling Christian » Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:09 am

I have been so sick with anxiety, ocd, depression and migraines that I have let my house pile up with clutter. I am overwhelmed by it all. I am on my own with two children after a divorce and I feel like I have no help. I have been having bad panic attacks when I see all the clutter around my house. I live in a mobile home and I don't have enough space for all of my stuff. I just feel I have no solution for the mess. I get sick over this issue. Does anyone have any suggestions? Most days I just look at it all and then crawl back into bed and have a panic attack. I can't picture myself getting it all cleaned up and I'm so embarrassed for anyone to come over. I don't want anyone to see my room at all. My room is the worst of all. I can't believe I've let things get so bad and I have no will power to get anything done. I wish I had some help.

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Post by newrunner » Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:31 pm


I don't have clutter as much as you are saying, but it does pile up and after a bit, I find that I don't even see it. I am trying to work on it too. How about if you set a clock and clean one small area for 15 minutes? Are your kids old enough to help? You could have a clean an area for 30 minutes with music and dancing party.
I HATE cleaning, but I do find when the inspiration hits I go with it and I do feel better when I can find the top of a counter. It is worth it.

I don't know what to say about panicking over it. It's one of those things that you can make better for yourself but you have to put the effort into. That's what is good about it and that is what stinks about it too.

I joined a bible study at my church last fall and one day we all were not into the study and we just talked about what we NEEDED in our life. Mine was help cleaning and 4 other ladies came over for 2 hours and they didn't lecture or shame. They just loved me, helped me, gave me ideas and actually had a blast. They said it's more fun to clean someone else's house than their own. I really got blessed from that and it helped me to let down my guard and shame and embarrassment about it. Their comments were "oh- this isn't bad. I was thinking it would be alot worse from your comments." We all judge ourselves so harshly.

struggling Christian
Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:59 pm

Post by struggling Christian » Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:48 pm

Thanks for your reply. My kids are old enough to do certain chores especially my daughter. I have made a list and am going to start working on the list one thing at a time starting tomorrow. I will work for maybe 15-30 minutes at a time. If I do this every day maybe I can make a dent in it. I thought about asking a friend to help but it is so embarrassing.

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Post by newrunner » Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:15 am

I think having your kids help is a good idea. I have 4, and we have a chore chart posted on the frig. They rotate the chores each week so no one feels too put out, but I figure if they contribute to the mess, they can help clean it up too.

Good luck to you and keep in touch. Dents in the piles are good. Make a box of keep, donate and pitch. Maybe when you are feeling better about it, you can ask your friend for help and then make big strides. You Go Girl!

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Post by Paisleegreen » Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:46 am

Hi Struggling Christian--I'm feeling the same thing. I just can't get moving...but I did start a give away box and started putting some clothes in it that I've hung onto. A couple were some turtle neck tops that have small Poinsettias on them. Yes, they matched. I bought them at a thrift store a few years back, thinking that maybe my DDiLaw or DD might want one of them. They only cost me a $1.00. I guess, I was wrong on that.

I wore the turtle necks during the Christmas season quite a few times, but they are seasonal. This year I didn't wear it, my figure just isn't the same and I didn't do too much celebrating enough to wear the top. I know I'm rambling, but I wanted to point out that I finally made a decision not to keep either one or the tops and other clothing that I haven't worn.

So that is just my baby step of letting go of things in my bedroom. I did post earlier when I came on this website of having conflict with family members about "stuff", so it really affected me and the progress I had been making on clearing things up. :roll:

I'm ready to begin again, even if it takes me longer than usual. Part of it is going to be hard...its hard enough to let go of things when we're feeling good about things in general, but when we're down in the dumps, it seems a lot harder to do.

I'm here to cheer you on...:) Let us know how you are doing. Paislee

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Post by Sunshaw » Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:47 am

I can relate to this. I moved around a lot when I was younger and each time I was surprised at how much stuff I had (very little, looking back). I'm moving, or trying to, again. The home I'm currently in I thought was going to be my forever home. I regret ever having thought it was a possibility.

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Post by Paisleegreen » Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:42 am

Hi Sunshaw! :) I'm sorry to hear that you have to leave a home you thought would be your forever home. What happened? Paislee

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Post by newrunner » Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:05 am

Hi Struggling-
How are you doing on your "today" minutes of cleaning?

I'm signing myself up for some of those myself today.

Hope all is well.

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Post by Paisleegreen » Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:13 am

Hi newrunner--I'm doing some as well, decluttering, baby steps. :)

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Post by Momof2cuteboys » Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:39 pm

Hi there, I think that there are a lot of us that struggle with this. I know I really need to work on the clutter thing too. Sometimes I find it just easier to leave things or "pile" them up instead of taking the extra energy to put them where they need to go.

One suggestion I would have for you along with your taking a certain time each day is to focus on one room at a time. Maybe the kitchen/dining areas so you can sit and enjoy family time together every day. Then maybe focus on your bedroom and turn it into a place of relaxation. From that perspective it will become something to look forward to...something exciting!

Good luck and know you have others working on the same things!

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