New member, same problem

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Joined: Mon Dec 31, 2007 1:21 am

Post by Troublesome » Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:19 pm

I've been suffering with my anxiety for a little over two years now. I am now 23, I was "funtioning" for the past year alright with the self medication of alchol which I no longer use. I quit my job 8 months ago because of the panic attacks. now I have been hired for another job that I will be working in a closed secure area. I guess in short I'm still afraid of my body symptoms I realize they cannot hurt me but still does not stop my fear of them. Its been months and I'm still cant get over them ever with the use of the breathing and thought replacement. I want this job and out of this prion of a house. Anybody have any help so that I am not so scared of the smptons or least make them comfortabable bareable. Job starts soon. thanks...


Post by Guest » Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:08 pm

I know what you are talking about, the feelings are very scary,but you haft to find away to fight threw this also try not to let it bother you. The obsessing about it feeds the panic and fear.Tell yourself this will always pass and always does! This will not last the only thing that keeps these scary feelings goin is the self negative talk such as this is not going to go away oh my gosh i can't take this basically freaking out. I know it is so hard not to freak out but if you grab a glass of water and write write write and talk you your way threw it each day the intensity of this will weaken and in time will vanish! Cut your suger in take and write down how you feel just by cutting that. I personally feel more anxios when i have soda's kool aids etc. I hope this helps!
*Let the fear go and you will find yourself much happier!*

Gerri L.
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:58 pm

Post by Gerri L. » Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:23 pm

Thank you for the response. I guess I should be greatful that I'm goin to this job with the skills than without them. Even though I'm still terrified . But not one of these panic attacks has hurt me yet. What's the BEST that can happen huh...?


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:39 am

It is scary to start new things. Our mind is amazingly powerful. Change is hard for the anxious. Try to let go of the what if thinking as soon as you start the what if thinking replace it with a positive thought. Say it untill you believe it.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:03 am


I agree with everyone above me! I do think that change is rough for all of us and anxiety is natural during those times. Accept that everyone even you will have anxiety during change but it is up to you how to manage it. Remind yourself that you control the anxiety. You have the control. Understand them. Review session 2 a lot! also, try and think of your anxiety (which again EVERYONE in your situation would have) as EXCITMENT! not pure anxiety, change that perception! it is easy to do, just be excited! think positively and I promise you you'll be fine, great in fact!

Best wishes and let us know how it all goes!

p.s. since beginning this program my anxiety has been cut 75% and my depression as subsided for now.. not to mention I havent had nor fear anxiety attacks! have faith and hope, it does get easier! I am even off my meds and feeling great for now! just some encouragement for you! if I can do it (a life long sufferer) and feel 'lighter' so can you!

Be the warrior not the victim!

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