WARNING FOR ALL- good days company

Comments and inquiries to share with others. (Questions for Staff can be posted below.)
Posts: 119
Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:27 am

Post by Maeggie » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:30 am

Hi Everyone.

I just got them two weeks ago (I am getting headaches bad from them i think as im allergic to mushrooms and there is some in them) and I spoke with good days, as I was charged last week! WTF! soo they said that I HAVE to pay for two more months that they shipped to me because I didnt call in time (what?? I just got them.. you must look at the invoice too!(they were no charge I didnt get them till a month and a half later! apparently it says there!). I explained the time delay and she said 'it must have been b.c of customs' (I am canadian) and I said well as a manufacturing company with daily supplies I would think you know how long things will take to get places. She was very rude and impatient with me. Demanding I pay and continue to pay and it doesnt matter when I get them.. etc etc!

Apparently there is no one to talk to but I can write to their quality assurance department?AH! and they wont refund.. that is convenient when you work full time!

Just to write my experience and warn everyone that they DO NOT have good customer service skills. I am not using the product anymore simply for how rude and not helpful they were. Now Ive paid $500 for the program and over $100 for 'free' vitamins that I am too allergic to take. I wonder why Lucinda chose this company? I hope shes making lots of money from them!

I hope my crappy lesson helps someone else.



Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:37 am

Maeggie -

Sorry you are having probems with the vitamins. Hopefully you can get a good resolution. I know that there is a lqw in effect here that supplements, etc. cannot be returned because of tampering, etc. It's unfortunate that they shipped before you could get a hold of them.

On the flip side - I noticed on my invoice for the free month supply that my next ship date was scheduled for when I have to go out of town, so I called them to see if they could change the ship date. When I did - they were very helpful and changed the date and also explained to me how future shipments worked. I guess I could agree with you that part could have been explained better on the original invoice, but my other expereince with them was good.

Again, I am so sorry you are having a reaction to them and had a problem to boot.

Hope you get feeling better quickly!



Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:44 am

Hey Dawn:

Thank you so much for your kind response. I have been doing very well but for some reason last night and this morning my ocd and anxiety has been bad and that conversation with that women sent my head spinning. Your message made me feel much better!

Thanks a million!


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:47 am


Those darn external stressors...ain't they a pain in the butt???


Hope your day gets better!

Best wishes,


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:54 am

Im sorry that you had such a bad experience, I on the other hand have had a great experience with Good Days..As have alot of others. We all react differently to vitamins, meds and obviously this is not the vitamin for you. I do believe that they should work with you on a resolution being that you do live in Canada and it does take longer for you to get them. I hope it works out for you. Tc Karen


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:02 am

I am sorry you had a bad experience with one of their customer service reps -- but I have found to take those things with a grain of salt. Just because the woman you spoke to was rude, doesn't mean that they all are. I have found that if someone isn't being helpful, to simply ask if there is someone else you can speak with. Also, if you don't get satisfaction that way -- write a letter. Letter's are very effective (not email)! Send one to the head of the company. Don't think they'll respond? Believe me they will. This is some of the things I have to deal with for a living. If it's a good business, they will want to make you happy.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:15 am

Hi Everyone,

I hope you can all forgive my major rant. It is ressuring to see your positive experiences. I am going to write yes and thanks again for the time and responses!


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:22 am


I take the Good Days vitamins also with good results. Maybe since you already paid for them you could remove the pill you are having a reaction too and just take the others. Just a thought since you already paid it wouldn't be a total loss.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:36 am

Hey John.

thanks for the suggestion! good idea! I have had great results on them and was excited but when they were very helpful I had a bad taste! thanks again for the support and note!


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:46 am

I am sorry too that you had a bad experience with the vitamins. I have taken them and love them emensly.

Hopefully they will work out something for you a little bit of kindness goes a long way...maybe call back and ask to speak to a supervisor and explain calmly that you feel you have an allergy problem with them and is there anything at all they could do to reimburse lost funds.

I dont think for a minute that Lucinda created this program or these vitamins to take advantage of people like ourselves but to help us and to give us hope on how to carry on in a world of total chaos.

Sometimes life just sucks and we get dealt a crumby hand but its how we decide to react to this that is the key to recovery.

Good luck to you and I hope that you get to recoop some of your losses.


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