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Post by catrisch » Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:38 am

Hello all. I need your help. I have had severe anxiety for most of my life. I am 38 now. I now have it under control with Cymbalta and my thoughts. However, I now need all your help with my husband. A couple of weeks ago, he said his two toes would start to burn. The burning moved up to his foot, then his palms, and on various parts of his body. He then would complain different parts of his body would be freezing (not to the touch, just the sensation). There are times like today that he said it feels as if his whole body is sunburned. He went to the er and they diagnosed peripheral neuropathy. He went to the pcp who gave him Lyrica and did blood work. Blood work was all good but the LYrica made him sick. We went to a neurologist Tuesday who did EMG studies and said he does have some form of neuropathy. They prescribed him Cymbalta. From day one, I have felt it was anxiety but he would not hear of it. I know first hand how you can take a symptom and magically make it never disappear b/c it is always on your mind. You obsess over it. He thinks they are barking up the wrong tree with this diagnosis. Sometimes, he says he feels anxious. I don't know what to think. I am thinking the worst of course, brain tumor, ms, etc. He can only sleep a couple of hours then he is up and wide awake and cannot fall back to sleep. He is so tired at work and is thinking about not working for a while until the Cymbalta kicks in. I am thinking - if it is anxiety, the Cymbalta should help or if it is neuropathy, the Cymbalta should help. Now he has me scared. He said the burning and freezing is so frustrating and bothersome he can't handle it. Please someone help.

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Joined: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:37 pm

Post by formyboys » Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:47 pm

Hi,,,I have similar burning sensations as well. Mine more on my lips and tongue (weird) and also some extreme bladder burning that they diagonosised as Interstitial Cystitis...Not sure these are the same types of burning however, I have read some things as of late regarding anxiety and burning?? I tried Cymbalta and did not do well with it however, many people do. I had a lot of the burning sensattions come on then, as well as, sleep issues. Even had the ambulance out one night due to the burning and they said, the same anxiety, panic disorder??? It is so hard, I know. The loss of sleep just compiles the issues. I started this program and started taking Neurontin after attempts at other meds with no luck. It has seemed to help. I bring Nerontini up because it helps the entire nervous system and is non addictive. My psych had had personal experience with it and felt it was a great medicine. I was scared but, tried it and I have had great success. It is also known for use with neuropathy pain?? You might want to talk to his doc about it.?? I hope you find the answers you are looking for!!!

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Post by Skipper » Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:34 pm

Hi Catrish--

Reading your husband's and your story--wow--I could relate so much. I had the same problem--freezing, burning, shivering, shaking, numbness, vomiting, palpitations, etc--and it was really scary. I couldn't sleep either.

I had suffered with panic and agoraphobia for many years, and recovered.

Later on, I was working a really stressful job, and in a few months I started burning through my body. I didn't realize that I was stressed, though. So I can understand that your husband wouldn't think the problem was anxiety.

When I went through the burning, etc., I didn't have any symptoms of panic like I did when I was an agoraphobic. So when the burning, etc, began I really thought I was sick with a serious condition. And obsessing about it, made the symptoms worse.

I had been to the ER twice--and on one of the visits, the doctor told me I was having a panic attack, and I was shocked. So I started taking inventory of my life, and had to admit I had fallen back into bad habits with my eating a lot of junk, caffiene, and was carrying a lot of stress, and not watching my thoughts.

I'm really into nutrition, but like I said--I wasn't living like it at that time at all. But I went back to watching my diet, eating right, and taking mega supplements that feed and nourish the nervous system. I also reviewed the material from Lucinda's course, which always helps.

In about a week, the symptoms were about 80% gone. I continued to recover after that.

In my opinion--I think your husband's nervous system is shot, as mine was. I don't know what his work situation, etc is, but my guess is that he's overstressed in some area.

If you want nutritional help or encouragement, you're free to contact me. I'd be happy to share. I noticed you got another post re: a medication that might help also. Either way, I hope you guys find what's right for you, and I wish you all the best:)

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Post by JonesyAZ » Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:36 am


I would love to know some nutritional info that might help with anxiety.

You may have seen my recent posts, but have you ever had a tight chest when constantly worrying, etc.? And when you stop focusing on it, does it go away?

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