New guy

Comments and inquiries to share with others. (Questions for Staff can be posted below.)
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Joined: Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:10 pm

Post by sc0ttyb0y » Thu Oct 16, 2008 2:56 am

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself to this community. I'm actually just starting the third session today, and I'm working one-on-one with a coach from StressCenter. I have problems with anxiety, depression, obsessive thinking, conflict, etc. But I truly feel that I'm in the right place to overcome these issues :). I'd love to meet others who have recently started the program like me to share insights and give each other encouragement. I wish everyone the best of luck! Thanks for taking the time to read this. Take care,



Post by Guest » Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:03 am

Welcome Scott! I enjoyed reading your post. I am on Session 6..........I got the program in Sept. started and then everything I do and then I started again. I just don't want my motivation to run out. I always start out with 150% of doing something and then a few weeks in I quit. Positive self talk has really helped me this time. I truly love the program and am so very excited about it. I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. If you ever need someone to talk to I am on here everyday. Sometimes I may not reply.......just reading the post's help me alot. So best of luck I am so excited about this new journey. Talk to you soon! debbie


Post by Guest » Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:40 am

Just I starting this program this week.. Im in session1.I have problems with depression, I thinkg a lot what people think about me. I always think that I'm the only one thats going crazzzy but now I know that is a lot people with the same problem like me. Just I find out about depression when my husband die. I'm taking medic. but sometimes I get bad and I dont take it. I want to drink just to forget about or just die sometimes.
thanks for invitation I hope someone raply me

Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:55 am

Post by Tollymom » Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:35 am

Robatir...i know how you feel. my main problem is obsessive thinking about scary unrealistic thoughts. I always feel so depressed after having these thoughts because i know it's not me. I am only 20 years old, but whenever i used to go out with friends i would end up drinking so much more than i had intended to. i had trouble controlling myself and it made me more carefree. however, i realized this is just an unhealthy way of living. After a night of drinking i would always feel so much more depressed than i did the previous day. I have really come a far way. I still go out, and it is tough to not drink completely becasue its alwasy around, but i have really gotten good at monitoring myself and just having a couple and enjoying the moment. My advice is to just make a conscious decision and be determined to reduce how muhc you drink. It took me a while to figure this out somehow but, alcohol is a depressant, so it really does no good for an already depressed person to drink. Good luck on your journey to recovery!


Post by Guest » Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:28 am

I'm a newbie as well. I just started session two this week. I was a little overwhelmed at the program at first, but I think I've gotten myself into a nice little rhythm.

I have a generalized anxiety that's with me 24/7 and which can spike into panic episodes. Not the textbook ones that I've had in the past, but mine are more drawn out and don't have the intensity of the shorter ones. I have some depression too because of not feeling well a lot of the time. I find the self talk really helpful.

Short story, the day before yesterday, I had to walk to the store for a couple of things. Now this store is about a 10-15 minute round trip if you're just picking up a few things. I was anxious about going over there by myself, but I had a pep talk with myself, walked over there, walked through the store without the people, crowds, bright lights, anything small get to me. Even when someone cut me off with their cart! I just kept talking to myself. I successfully checked my groceries out and walked back to my office. As I was walking out of the store I got this smile on my face, tears in my eyes and I kept saying to myself, I did it! It felt really, really good. :)


Post by Guest » Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:34 am

hey guys, I'm a newbee also. In the middle of session 2. I've had anxiety & depression for 23 yrs. I've been diagnosed with anxiety and panic disorder.After the birth of my second child, I was never myself again. This also runs in my family.the first 3 yrs. before I was diagnosed, I was having appr.4-7 panic attacks a day. I stopped driving, I left my house less and less.I finally agreed to try some meds. and thats how I stopped my actual attacks.Still have lots of anxiety,constant worry,negative thinking,lots of what if thoughts.Joined the program to finally whip this things BUT.


Post by Guest » Thu Oct 16, 2008 2:57 pm

hey and welcome you are in the right spot we are all here to help you i too have had anxiety and panic attacks for lots of years but have always been able to control them until recently i am on session 3 right now and have been on there for quite sometime i am experiencing some trouble with this one but put self talk to the test today and it worked everyone keep on plugging along we will on get there


Post by Guest » Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:48 pm

I'm also a newbie! I'm suffering from anxiety and depression. I'm 26 years old and am sick of wasting my precious time w/ these problems. I'm having a harder time going out w/ friends lately, being at work, and especially dating. I'm starting to avoid things that I don't absolutely have to do. I don't want to become a hermit! ;)
I also have a problem w/ drinking too much when I do venture out w/ my friends. The alcohol gives me that care free feeling I'm longing for, for the night, but the next day my depression/anxiety triples. I've cut back on alcohol dramatically, which in turn makes it even harder to go out.
I see all of my friends dating, getting married and having children, and doing everything I want and plan on doing myself, but am avoiding because of my condition.
I pray this program is the answer to my problems.


Post by Guest » Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:50 pm

So, I wish you the best on your journey. Just know that you are not alone. :)


Post by Guest » Sat Oct 18, 2008 4:37 pm

Hello fellow newbies. I have just started session two. I am fifty two and my mom lived with us for three years and was a basket case and we had no idea what to do for her. Then I started having the same symptoms as her and it scared me to death. I am so glad to find this program and get answers because I just know all my physical problems are not just physical. I am having a hard time making the time to do my sessions, having anxiety about just doing them and I keep thinking about whether I am doing it right and did I miss something, what should I do next. But my husband says he can tell that I am doing better already. I have found out that he never knew I was having so much anxiety. Weird huh. It is nice to have someone to give feedback because of course, we don't give ourselves any credit or see the positive progress.

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