Does anyone have a lot of physical symptoms?

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Post by pipermarie66 » Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:55 am

I am really struggling with all of this and Im wondering if anyone has a lot of physical symptoms too,

I feel dizzy, tired, scared, shaky, like my body is crawly or tingly. I feel like my head isnt screwed on straight, and sometimes like Im seeing things wrong. Im having more headaches...probably because everything in my body is so tense. Sometimes I feel like I cant breathe or my chest feel heavy or tight. My heart races and I can feel fluttering in my throat.

I feel so alone and so completely overwhelmed by how bad I feel that I dont know what to do.
I have a husband and kids and a job and its all
I can do to get through the day. A lot of time at work I feel like Im going to die but I dont leave and I manage to get to the end of my shift. I havent been working on the program for the past few weeks, only finished session 2 and I dont know how to even get back to it. It is so hard for me to believe that anxity can cause all this.

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Post by Marie85 » Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:03 am

Pipermarie, I have ALL the same exact feelings. SOmetimes before i go to bed when i THINK im relxaed I used to feel like a twich of a sudden and my hands would feel numb and it ALL was anxiety and thats ALL it is. The problem is we let it scare us as if we don't know what it is, the key is to NOT let it scare you and i encourage you to continue with the program. Anything worth having is worth fighting for and you owe this to yourself to feels so much better and the program will help you do just that. and just remember in time these feeling will pass, they always do and they will continue to pass if you dont let them scare you. DOnt feed into the panic. We are strong people and i wish you the best :)

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Post by Colorado2123 » Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:08 am

Hi Pipermarie66. You know I feel the physical symptoms as well. I will feel tired, I will feel prickly things in my shoulders, and sometimes I even get that same feeling in my chest. I also get headaches often. I will feel like i'm going to faint, and I will feel like I am having hot flashes...and sometimes I feel like my legs are going to give out on me. And it's very hard for me to concentrate on anything. It will also make me tired! This all has to do with anxiety and it is crazy that anxiety can have such a huge effect on our daily lives. I often drink the tension tamer tea with chamomile. It can help relax your body. As a matter of fact I am feeling a little light headed and my heart is beating at a pretty fast pace right now. I would take hot bubble baths with lavender. That will relax you. Even going to get a massage or going for accupunture can help release alot of the bad toxins in your body.

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Post by pipermarie66 » Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:15 am

Thank you both so much for your answers. When I have my good moments and feel strong and okay I am able to believe it is anxiety. But when the physical stuff starts and I think that I am dying it is really hard to believe its is anxiety. I guess its just been a bad week for the synptoms. I told my mother the other day that if I didnt feel like I was dying I wouldnt be anxious or . I pray that each and everyone of us will be free of this one day soon.

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Post by monty'smom » Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:22 am

Hi Pipermarie and all,

These are all some of the most common signs and body symptoms that come with anxiety and are worsened the more we react to them. If you can stop fearing the symptoms and calm yourself through self talk...they aren't going to hurt you, it's just anxiety, and do some slow deep breathing and try to distract yourselves by anything that ranges from an activity you enjoy, a walk, watching something funny or enjoyable to you on tv, picturing soothing scenes..beaches, sunsets, babies's whatever makes you feel something that is good and not focus on the body and mind.

It really can help and gets easier with practise and time.

Also getting back to doing the program is the best way to learn all these skills that will help you control what you think about and how to manage attacks.

I really wish you well. It's all about retraining our thoughts and it's so possible if you take the steps taught in the program.

Good to see you on the forum Pipermarie, I have missed your postings. :)

God Bless All.

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Post by fergus » Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:23 pm

Pipermarie I have the EXACT same syptoms as you. And I constantly strugle to except that anxiety could cause this. Its been so long for me now that if it were life threatening i would be long gone! You made a good point about having "good days". I think its important to realize that with anxiety you will have your ups and downs. The more you work on understanding the problem and using different techniques the better you will be. You will have much more good days than bad. Stick with the program, you deserve to feel better.

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Post by my4ladybugs » Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:41 pm

Originally posted by pipermarie66:
I am really struggling with all of this and Im wondering if anyone has a lot of physical symptoms too,

I feel dizzy, tired, scared, shaky, like my body is crawly or tingly. I feel like my head isnt screwed on straight, and sometimes like Im seeing things wrong. Im having more headaches...probably because everything in my body is so tense. Sometimes I feel like I cant breathe or my chest feel heavy or tight. My heart races and I can feel fluttering in my throat.

I feel so alone and so completely overwhelmed by how bad I feel that I dont know what to do.
I have a husband and kids and a job and its all
I can do to get through the day. A lot of time at work I feel like Im going to die but I dont leave and I manage to get to the end of my shift. I havent been working on the program for the past few weeks, only finished session 2 and I dont know how to even get back to it. It is so hard for me to believe that anxity can cause all this.

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Post by my4ladybugs » Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:00 pm

Yes I also have alot of physical symptoms also to were I have gone to the hospitalseveral times.I have symptoms such as shortness of breath to numbness in my arms and my chest hurting to were I feel like I am going to have a heart attack and I am light headed alot I wake up in the mornings feeling like ok it is going to be a good day and then all of a sudden it starts my nerves have me shacking and my heart starts racing and I get so tired of it that I just want to be put in the hospital and left there.I have had all kinds of test done and and the Doctors have all said that there is nothing wrong and that I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks.I know how bad you feel because I also have a husband and 4 girls who needs me to be well just as your family does for you and as I pray for myself I will be praying for you because we have to be strong for ourself so we can be who we need to be for our family.
God Bless You and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Post by LisaLisa » Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:04 am

Pipermarie66: I had and still sometimes have those symptons that you talked about. I started to do guided meditation. In the guided mediation, it stated to feel the physical sensations that are going on through your body, to really sit and notice them. It was hard at first, but after a few tries, I got comfortable with them. It is your body's way of releasing some of the built up energy. Try to just "observe" them and not try to stop them or change them and you will notice they are not going to hurt you and they actually go away. Have faith, these sensations are not going to hurt you. I like to think that we are just people with a lot of excess energy so our body is helping us rid the energy through sensations. Good Luck.

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Post by Want2FeelGoodAgain » Sat Nov 22, 2008 5:34 am

Yep, me too. Many trips to ER, many docs saying you are fine, etc. I actually tried the Linden Method and have it on my ipod too. One day I did one of his exercises while alone, and felt the panic set in, I said "BRING IT ON", give me your worst, and more, and more....I was so worked up, I felt like I was dying, I let it get as bad as it has ever been, listened to his voice, imagined everything he said, and then within about 40 GRUELLING minutes, it calmed. I slept for 3 hrs afterward. But I felt so empowered that I got every physical symptom there ever was, and it WAS NOTHING. I did not die, did not even come close, and you has never happened again. NEVER. yes, I get anxious, and anxiety tends to affect my stomach, but no more of that impending feeling of doom or death. God bless.
One day at a time is the fastest we can go......

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